Imagina Shorts #72

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Imagina Shorts #72

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Luna: Oh! Sure it is nice to harvest some watermelons in the middle of rain. Juiciest treat while staying at home, summer is more hotter than I expected. *huff*

Luna is lifting a huge watermelon. They are harvesting alot, putting it all inside their capacious, yet Luna-sized backpack.

Luna: It's not Luna-sized backpack! *lifts a watermelon*
Fury: Woah... *puts a watermelon inside the backpack* Luna. You're carrying a big one. Let me help you there-
Luna: *huff* I... I can do this... *huff*

Confidently, Luna tries to impress her sister and their super duper only best friend by carrying a huge green ball of fruity red juice.

Luna: ... Just... *huff* ... few... *huff* ... more... *huff* ... steps... *huff*

There is a high steep the Luna should climb to progress. With Luna's trembling arm, she made a huge step to the top instead.

Luna: A-!
Fury: *whew* That should be enough.
Luna: Eeeeh~!
Fury: Luna? You okay?
Luna: M-My back! UWAAAAAA!!!
Fury: Luna!

Fury carried the watermelon away from Luna's hand, then he pull her up.

Fury: That's what I thought.

Luna laid down on a bed of jungle vines. Holding her back, she wept like a baby.

Luna: afufufufu... haaaaahhh....
Fury: Too bad, you have to walk back home. My backpack is full of watermelons we gathered.
Luna: Then t-take off some...
Fury: Fine... wait... Sola? Can you do magic to heal Luna?
Sola: I'm a fighter, not a healer. Massaging Luna's back will be dealing more pain.
Fury: Thats... so strong of you...
Sola: ... *looks at her sister* !!! *looks away* ... n-not so...
Fury: Hm?
Sola: N-Nothing...

Suddenly, there is a crocodile on a mask of leaves ran past through them.

Dum-dum: (AAAAA!!! RUN!!! RUN!!! RUUUN!!!)
Fury: Woah! What is that?

There is a trail of golden accessories falling from that running crocodile.

Joaquin: *huff* *huff* WHERE DID THAT LITTLE DUMMY GO?
Fury: uhhh... t-there? *points toward the golden trail*
Joaquin: OUT OF MY WAY!

Barely to see, Joaquin tripped over the huge green watermelon that Luna carried.

Joaquin: GAH! STUPID WATER BALL! *spears the watermelon*

Joaquin's golden trident forked the watermelon.

Joaquin: *swings his trident* E-EGH! GET... OUT... OF... MY... TRIDENT!!!
Fury: uhhh... try smashing it?
Fury: Woah! That's not nice of you!
Joaquin: SHUT UP! *swings his trident*
Fury: !!! *ducks*

The trident hits a tree. Half of the watermelon exploded.

Fury: Not cool, sir.
Joaquin: *repeatedly smashes the watermelon* GAH! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE EVERYTHING!!!

The trident is red painted. Joaquin is still trying to annihilate the pieces of watermelon. While raging, the golden temple erupted a beam of water through the clouds to the sky.

Fury: Uhhh... That seems bad...
Joaquin: I SAID, SHUT UP! *swings his trident*
Fury: Woah- *ducks*
Sola: *blocks the trident with magic* Don't even dare to hurt my Fury.
Fury: L-Let's get out of here!
Luna: Wait! How about me?
Fury: *puts Luna at the backpack* Let's move!

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