Imagina Shorts #26

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Imagina Shorts #26

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The tree house is swaying with the stormy wind.

Alan: Check everything and find the mythical staff!

Alan and it's companions tried to find Luna's mythical staff.

Meanwhile, at the stormy outside.

Fury: I can't belive you forgot to lock the door!
Luna: We don't have time for arguments. Hurry!

Fury and Luna climbed up and went inside the tree house.

Fury: *pant... pant...*
Alan: ...
Luna: ...
Jake: ...
Hathy: Hathy! ...

An awkward moment replaced the chaotic stormy atmosphere.

Fury: W-What are you doing here?
Alan: I can explain-
Luna: Wait... Do I know you?
Jake: Hoo-Haa?
Hathy: Hathy~!
Fury: Okay. Stop.

Everyone looked at each other with silence.

Fury: First; Who are you, and what are you doing here?
Alan: My name is Alan, and I'm looking for-
Jake: Hoo! Haa!
Luna: Yes! Jake! I know you!
Hathy: Hathy~!
Fury: Can you guys, please...

Everyone stopped.

Fury: Okay. Alan, explain everything.
Alan: *ahem* I'm looking for the mythical staff you have, and use them to fight the dragons raiding us outside, keeping the mythical shard on the staff away from them, and also keeping you safe. Now, where is it?
Fury: Luna have it.
Luna: ... Ah. Y-Yeah. I have it. Give me sec- *shuffles her hand inside the backpack*
Fury: ... Uhhh... Alan, why is there a part that I have to be kept safe?
Alan: Long short story. You're the main character.
Fury: Main character? What do you mean?
Alan: It's the prophecy.
Luna: Got it!
Alan: No time to explain-

Luna rushed outside and waved the mythical staff onto the sky.

Luna: Hiyah! Shoo! Shoo! Out you go! Uhhh... Laser beam! Pew-pew-pew! Kaboom!

The dragons saw Luna's stupid shenanigans. They quickly ran away and disappeared from the clouds. The chaotic storm stopped after.

Luna: Fear me! Fear me! Woo~! *spins*
Alan: Huh...?
Fury: Crazy.
Alan: T-That's not what I meant-
Fury: Luna?
Alan: *sigh* Nevermind.

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