Imagina Shorts #21

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Imagina Shorts #21

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Fury: Can we go somewhere else? Like, everytime we go somewhere, we always end up here.

Luna always want to set their picnic at the flower meadows.

Luna: Don't you love it? The flowers, the butterflies, the clouds, and the sunrise... I can stay here forever!
Fury: Not hating this place, but... can we go somewhere else?
Luna: Where?
Fury: Uhmmm... Like... on the forest. Calm and peace in the middle of the woods.
Luna: Sun covered by trees, poisonous grass so itchy.
Fury: ... Well... uhhh... In the desert. Sun is up and there's an oasis to enjoy.
Luna: Catching sand in your eyes, burning skin is not nice.
Fury: ... A-At the top of the mountain! N-Nothing can go wrong in there since it was so high.
Luna: Took hours just to reach the top, plus catching breaths and rests to stop
Fury: Okay- Why are you keep rhyming your words?
Luna: It was my literature exercise, so I can keep my words nice.
Fury: Like, making yourself smart on literature and art?
Luna: Yes! You got it!
Fury: Now, we get out of here and look for another place to go.
Luna: No. We are staying, and your rhymes are missing.
Fury: Ah. Sorry. And we are not staying here!

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