Imagina Shorts #25

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Imagina Shorts #25

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*light rain noise*

The rain washes the whole palace.

Luna: *sigh* If we can only picnic today, but the weather ruined it...
Fury: Don't be sad... (There might be a way to make Luna happy today.) Let's find something here we can play.

They scavenge every room they found.

Fury: Hey, Luna, I found something!
Luna: Oh! Let me see! Let me see!
Fury: *dusts off the chess board*
Luna: It's... a chess...
Fury: I hope it doesn't have any missing pieces. *opens the chess board*

2 minutes later...

Fury: Ah. This thing should make it.

Fury placed a coin on the white king's spot.

Luna: Okay. Let's play!

A decent amount of time passed, Fury is losing the game.

Fury: *sweats* (I didn't know she was so good on this.) *glances on Luna* (She's just smugging there, like she knows what she's doing. I'm gonna lose!)
Luna: What are you waiting for, Fury? *giggles*
Fury: Ah! *scratches head* N-Nothing! (I can't belive I went off-track by just thinking of how good she was. Now, where was I?)


Luna: Fury-tsk! Stop kicking the table! *replaces the fallen pieces* You're ruining the game!
Fury: It-It wasn't me! I-


The two looked outside. There is a dragon looking at them.

Luna: *replaces the fallen pieces*
Fire Dragon: GRAAAAGH!!!
Luna: Okay. Nevermind. RUN!

Fury hurriedly escaped the place while Luna is on his back. The two looked back and they saw the dragon sitting at the top of the castle. The dragon roared while spitting fire from it's mouth. It started to shoot them some molten rocks from it's mouth.

Fury: Ah!
Luna: Start running!

Fury rushed towards to their home, while Luna watched the sky rain flames on them. It's just Luna's unfinished business, right?

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