Imagina Shorts #33

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Imagina Shorts #33

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There is a silhouette of a person coming from the tunnel.

Dr. D: Well, well, well... There they are. My little lovely sweet children!

Dr D apporached them with a joyful manner.

Luna: Errr... I don't remember having a dad...
Fury: I don't have a dad.
Dr D: Ohohoh. Is that so? Then I'll be your dad.
Fury: We don't need a dad.
Dr D: Haha. Don't worry. Alex will be your caring sister, right? Alex?
Alex: ... uh...
Luna: Oh, so you're name is Alex, huh?
Alex: S-Shut up!
Dr. D: Ah. My children are new here of course, might get lost or touch something unfortunate. Follow me darlings as I give you a tour to my beautiful palace.

Dr. D walks through the tunnel as he acts like their father. Fury followed him as an invitation to a visit tour.

Luna: Pffft-!
Alex: You better get moving!
Luna: Hmph- Fine!

- First corridor: Hall of the sacred elements
   It is a huge hall with a huge shelf as it's right wall. There is a window on the left side with a view of a strange machine.

Dr. D: Look at those! My collection of... elements! Haha!
Fury: Hmmm... Nice jars.
Dr. D: J-Jars! Y-Yes...
Luna: ow... Oww~ OUCH! Stop poking me!
Alex: Not until you stop that stupid behavior!
Dr D: What is happening right there behind me?
Alex: Ah- N-Nothing... Dr. Uh-I mean... Dad...
Luna: Dada! She's so naughty! She always-
Dr D: Oh, Keep your voices down. The jars might broke and escape.
Luna: Haha! See?
Alex: *hits Luna's head with back point of the spear*
Luna: Hey!?
Alex: *did it again*

- Second room: Cage of wonders
   A huge room with alot of cages everywhere. There is a forklift for lifting, what else do you think it is for? It also smells like a mixture of a wine and an animal waste.

Fury: ... (Uhhh... The odor... I can't- wait... what is that?)

Fury saw something on the farthest cage on the corner. It's a huge pile of golden fur. The cage bars also crackles with monkeys screaming.

Fury: (T-That could be-!)
Dr D: Ah. Nothing to worry about, my son. They're just an experiments, aren't they?
Fury: Experiments?
Dr D: Oh yes. Some failed trial and errors.
Fury: ... I see...
Dr D: Now, let's move onto the next room.

- Second corridor: The great museum
   A huge hall with artifacts every artifacts you go through. Some of those are; giant golden scale of some mythical creature, crystals possibly from the very deep underground, and some sort of medieval weapons and tools.

Luna: *gasp* Look! Oh, look! Oh, look!

Luna joyfully observed the artifacts every artifacts.

Alex: Hey! Don't move-
Luna: *gazes* Oh! Those looks familiar!
Alex: No, you-
Luna: *gazes* And this one too!
Alex: Don't touch that!
Luna: *gazes* And this-
Dr D: Ah. Don't worry, Alex. Our visitor is just enjoying their tour. Let's just let them be amazed.
Alex: P-Pardon me, Doc-D-Dad... dad...
Luna: What a slave...
Alex: No, I'm not!
Luna: Then, what you are?
Alex: More like... a maid...
Luna: Yeah... same...
Alex: Hah! W-Wait-W-What do you mean?
Luna: *leaves*
Alex: Hey! Don't leave me here alone!

- Third room: Aquatic attic
   A huge tall room with a staircase upwards. There was a nice view of fishes above, and a dancing sunlight and ocean waves.

Dr D: Ah, this is my favourite place of this laboratory. This room is so special because it is the only room that can recieve signals above.
Fury: *looks above* (That place above looks so familiar.) !? (What!? If I'm not wrong, This is the eye-)
Luna: *spinning under the sunlight* La~ la~ la~ *giggles*
Alex: Hmmm... *spins* Woah~
Luna: You don't do it like that, sis. Like this! *spins*
Alex: S-Sister... (Long time I haven't called like that...) *sigh* (I miss my little brother...)
Dr D: Enough playing around. We're going back on what you two are really here for. *opens door*

- Central room: The Examinator 3000

Dr D: You, you two are going to my Examinator!
Fury: So, what does it do exactly?
Dr D: Ah, nothing to worry about. Much more like peeling your skin off.
Fury: WHAT!
Dr D: Or if you insist... *pushes button*

Slam! The door closes rapidly. There is no way out now.

What will happen next?

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