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“JEON JUNGKOOK!” Seung shouted, looking everywhere for his son.

Jungkook was mindlessly staring at a butterfly, a beautiful blue butterfly. Sitting down and enjoying the sight of nature.

“Jungkook, I called you several times.” Seung says looking annoyed.

Jungkook looks at his father and sees the stern look on his face making the young boy feel small.

“Sorry father, the butterfly distracted me.” Jungkook says, hiding himself as his father tuts.

“You are going to become King one day son, you can't be getting distracted so easily.” Seung said, sitting on the floor with Jungkook.

“I'm not going to be king for years, father.” Jungkook grumbled as his father laughed.

“Still, you need to be prepared for it. The first thing a King shouldn't do is stare at a useless butterfly.” He said, making jungkook gasps.

“They aren't useless, father!” Jungkook says as his father glared at him making Jungkook look down and shut up.

“Don't talk back at me, son.” He said very sternly.

“Yes father.” Jungkook says, hearing his father getting up and walking away.

“Googie, there you are.” Jihyo exclaims making the younger roll his eyes.

“Don't call me that—that's too cutesy for me.” Jungkook says waving his friend off.

“You are cutesy, Googie.” Jihyo giggled as Jungkook faked a gag.

“Be quiet.” Jungkook says with a giggle.

“Cutesy.” Jihyo declared causing Jungkook to smile.

“Did Seung give you a hard time again.” She looks at Jungkook with a pout.

“You can't call him that Ji, he is the King.” Jungkook smiled as Jihyo shook her head with an eye roll.

“Uh huh, he may be the King. But to me he is Seung, a King that is forcing his seventeen year old son to become King next.” She said with her hands in her hips.

Jungkook looks down, knowing that she was right.

Jihyo noticed and dropped her hands to her side.

“Sorry, that was too far.” She said, now massaging her left arm as Jungkook shook his head.

“Nah, you're right. I don't even want to become King anyway. But it's my destiny, that's what Namjoon says anyways.” Jungkook says with a scoff.

“I'm not surprised that Namjoon is taking Seung's side, he is right up his ass.” Jihyo chuckled in annoyance.

“Yeah, that's why I don't like Namjoon. He is just like father.” Jungkook muttered.


“Your majesty, the King would like to see you.” Namjoon says making Jungkook roll his eyes.

He hates the way that Namjoon speaks, too formal for him. He looks up at Jihyo as he gets up.

“I'll see you later.” Jungkook says, very dismissively. Following Namjoon with his head down.

Hoping whatever his father wants to talk about ends fast.

They walk into the palace and Jungkook hates it. It's too bright, too fucking gold. Where is the colour? Why is it so bright? It's so blinding for Jungkook.

WORSHIP YOUR KING | JIKOOK FF ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя