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Hey! People! Hello I'm back hehhehehe
Anyways enjoy the chapter ❤️


All throughout their little "study session" the one thought occupying yeonjun's mind was...

Beomgyu's eyes are beautiful.

He simply couldn't put it any other way. Of course he himself, was still pretty handsome. But, damn beomgyu was quite pretty himself.

Especially his eyes. Yeonjun was... drawn to them? Well, he had never really taken the time to get a good look at the younger. Not really finding a needing to. Actually the first time he got a good look at beomgyu's eyes was the day before today, -when they fell down.

It was the only time he actually saw them so deeply. It was intriguing to say the least.

Beomgyu's eyes were like an endless void. Staring into them only sent you deeper and deeper down. An abyss of darkness, but still really beautiful. The shape of his eyes themselves were nice. Oh and his eyelashes were long, and naturally curved. The shape, the lashes, the color, everything about his eyes were pretty.

Well he did have a pretty face to begin with. It wasn't surprising.

What was surprising was the fact that yeonjun went the extra mile and helped beomgyu improve his English skills. Logically speaking, helping your rival with the one subject that isn't their strong point probably isn't a good move. Especially for your rivalry.

But yeonjun at that moment couldn't even find himself to care.

He had no regrets.

Honestly what he regretted was not studying with beomgyu earlier. He was actually pretty helpful. They mutually benefited from sharing that textbook. Beomgyu was far more knowledgeable in vocabulary than yeonjun was. In turn yeonjun was better at grammar and pronunciation.

Yeonjun ended up helping beomgyu improve his grammar and pronunciation skills.

As the pair was about half way done covering the areas that they needed, beomgyu suddenly turned to his side and began rummaging through his backpack. Yeonjun's eyes watched curiously as beomgyu worked his way through his folders. Reading the titles and all.

Then he stopped on a particular folder, a plain black one nothing special. As he pulled it out yeonjun saw the words "ENGLISH 2nd period" engraved on the back side.

He raised a brow wondering what this was about. Watching as beomgyu opened the folder and started flipping through the pages. He stopped on a page that read "vocabulary" and swiftly pulled it out. He then laid the paper flat on the table they were working on. Right in front of yeonjun who was still gazing at it.

"Here..." He said quietly . "I heard our teacher earlier, consider it me repaying you for your help." Beomgyu finished with a slight smile. Indicating his appreciation from the gesture itself.

Yeonjun said nothing, yet a small smile grazed his lips, turning bigger as he looked at the amount of words there were on the single sheet of paper.

"Thank you." He replied, genuinely. His eyes gleaming in the golden sunlight that had recently poured into the library. Marking the start of golden hour. The library would be closing soon.

Then beomgyu began packing his things, pencils, pens, highlighters, whatever he had previously been using for his english studies. However, as he packed his last item. He left the paper that he previously took out for vocabulary. Instead of putting it away, he grabbed the paper and shoved it into yeonjun's unsuspecting hands.

My Number One (Beomjun/Yeongyu)Where stories live. Discover now