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Hi people, how y'all doin?? Man school sucks so bad 😭 I'm doing good but like it's just annoying bc I never get time to do anything👁️👄👁️ anyways enjoy the chapter.


As beomgyu dragged Kai with him away from sight, he couldn't help but stare back. Thankfully now the three hadn't been staring at them.

"Hyung, if you want to go to a more private area we could just go in there." Kai pointed to a door in the gym. It was one of the gym rooms used for the weight training unit and sometimes yoga unit.

After contemplating for a second, beomgyu frowned. "Wait we might get in trouble Kai, I don't really wanna risk it..."

"Seriously hyung, the whole school literally knows you. Your one of the top students they wouldn't say anything to you. Have you even seen the effect you have on teachers?" Kai deadpanned.

Beomgyu remained silent, the younger did have a point. Gyu always got the best grades, hence him being one of the most well known students in the school. Actually he hadn't ever recalled a teacher saying no to him.

He had what some would call an angel reputation.

Whatever he wanted, he always got it. No was never an answer, he just didn't realize it until hueningkai pointed it out. He never asked for the favoritism, but not like he was complaining.

He still felt a little uneasy using that to his advantage. Like he was cheating on a test or something. Somehow Kai managed to convince him to go ask the teacher for permission. Not like they would have said no, but beomgyu just wanted to be sure.

Unsurprisingly the teacher said yes and that's how they ended up sitting on a yoga mat, in a room that was off limits.

Kai was scrolling through his phone looking at pictures of guitars. Asking beomgyu which he thought looked the best. Kai knew of beomgyu's fascination with music. He was the only one actually, not even their other friends knew. It was just one of their little secrets.

He had encouraged the older to buy one of his own and practice playing since it was his passion. However he declined saying he was too busy studying and his parents wouldn't approve anyway.

Beomgyu's eyes sparkled with delight as he laid his eyes on the absolutely breathtaking designs on one of them. The guitar was pure white and had small black swirls and designs on it. A black checkerboard pattern was filling a swirl that slashed diagonally across the guitar. It was by far the best guitar he has ever seen.

Kai had gotten his piano from the same exact place. It was his pride and joy, other than his plushies. Those came first no questions asked.

The thing with this place is that it was fairly expensive. Beomgyu could afford it, but he couldn't purchase it without his parent's consent. They had made it painfully clear since he was little, how they felt about him even having hobbies.

An obvious "No" was the answer.

There's no way they would approve, so there was no way beomgyu could buy the guitar. Even so, he took a screen shot of it with the slight hope that he was left to run on.

One day, it could happen. Not now or anytime soon, but one day.

"Send me the screenshot later? Sure, but are you actually planning on getting it hyung?" Beomgyu squinted his eyes at the question, debating on what to say.

Well he would definitely hope so. But that was just like he said, the small glimmer of hope he had remaining. If he got the answer he expected then instead of buying it, he would just have the photo sitting in his phone's gallery.

It would be a reminder of all that he longed for, not much really. It could work as a goal of some sorts, possibly when he got old enough to move out and be financially stable on his own.

The goal that someday beomgyu would walk into the real store, go to his guitar, and at last fulfill his everlasting desire. Feed his hope enough there's no space left for doubt.

"Well, you know what my parents would probably say" beomgyu chuckled humorlessly. Causing hueningkai to glance at him. "It's a no. But, maybe if raised my grades even higher. Finally beat my match, and ranked first. Kai, do you think I could ask for it then?"

In his opinion it was basically something his parents owed him, an obligation at that point. They'd be some shitty parents if they didn't, anyone with eyes could see that. No, even people without eyes could see how hard beomgyu worked to please them.

His whole life, it wasn't by choice. It was his obligation. It weighted him down and yet, here he was being tied for rank one in the whole school academically. Aceing every test, and studying for college level units that he was meant to learn years from now. Never getting any time of his own, for his friends or himself.

All this just to please his parents.


Beomgyu wasn't normally an emotional person, he endured until he couldn't anymore. Bottling up all his life and school's stressors into his mind. Pushing them away until they could not longer be pushed. It sometimes lead him to have sudden outbursts in his room. Silently sobbing his heart out.

Didn't happen too often though, last time was a little over a year ago.

It was overdue right now.

He didn't even realize he had tears streaming down his cheeks until hueningkai caught him in a warm embrace. Kai slowly rapped his arms around beomgyu's neck. Letting him silently cry on his shoulder.

God, he knew his best friend was hurting but didn't expect it to be this bad. He hadn't ever seen the older cry. Not even once.

Well beomgyu hadn't seen him cry either but it was different. Kai was known to be a solid person. Sweet but made of stone. He didn't let his feeling out infront of others. By himself sure, but never others.

Beomgyu on the other hand, he had always looked like a soft person. Yeah, he did say he's not emotional but Kai never actually believed that. Not a single bit. Even through their many years of friendship, he didn't buy it, he couldn't say anything though. Things like his friend's "behavior changes" were always subtle theories he had in mind. Wasn't ever any actual evidence to back up his claims.

Well here's where that changes. Recently no, very recently, it seemed like he had been seeing a different side of his best friend.

This whole crying outburst thing just amplified his worry tenfold.


I'm sleepy Gn or Gd to everyone 🫡

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