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Hi guys 😌 guess what!!!! Ur girl saved a baby crow. 😍 Basically, there's a crow nest in the tree in my front yard. The crow fell out of the tree so we saved him. We fed him and stuff then built some pole thingy that helped us put him back on the tree. I'm just glad we saved him or a cat would have ate him or smt. Anyways enjoy the chapter🥰


Beomgyu didn't know what was part was worse. The fact that he had to sit beside yeonjun and soobin or how he was in between them. God the tension was honestly frustrating. They was no, absolutely, no way, beomgyu could survive this school year. Not when he could feel his head being burned. They wouldn't stop staring at him.

It was starting to get really creepy. And here Beomgyu thought Soobin was meant to be the school sweetheart or something. Dude was literally drilling a hole into his brain. Beomgyu wondered what bullshit yeonjun said to make the "nicest guy in the whole school" look at him so negatively.

Of course the weird dirty stare he was receiving was annoying. But as long as soobin didn't actually say anything bad, beomgyu was still cool with him. He didn't actually give him any leverage against him. He couldn't just hate on the guy for no reason.

Soobin was in fact glaring, just not at beomgyu. He was glaring at his best friend. Who happened to be getting on his nerves today. A crazy eyed yeonjun had walked into the cafeteria completely dodging the question of if he was okay or not. Instead he gave this sick look that screamed vengeance. At that point Soobin had given up on him telling him what was wrong.

He would instead proceed to punish his hyung by giving him a nasty look for a while. You see, he was titled the school sweetheart. Granted, he never flared at anyone. If he did it was really really rare. Even his friends weren't used to him glaring or shouting for that matter. He didn't want to shout, but just scare yeonjun a little. Just to get him to talk.

The plan didn't go smoothly because of the seating arrangement in PE. Well, he had unconsciously started to glare in yeonjun's direction. When he was walking to his new spot, he had already been glaring. That didn't stop when he reached his spot. He could still see yeonjun from behind Beomgyu a little bit. Then he let his eyes wonder to beomgyu himself. He looked a bit uncomfortable. Soobin mentally shrugged and continued glaring.

Then it dawned on him. Beomgyu was silently side eyeing him. Oh, it was the glare wasn't it...

Well now Soobin knew for sure that he was intimidating. He quickly realized he had been intimidating the wrong person. In the blink of an eye Soobin had changed his expression back into his usual friendly face. He noticed the intense stare yeonjun had set on Beomgyu.

He personally didn't have anything against him. He seemed like a chill person. If only his best friend didn't hate him. Well hey, that didn't mean that Soobin couldn't become the younger's friend. He also still hated the whole idea of this academic rivals thingy that the two had going on.

He found it straight up stupid. Like what was the point in all of it anyway. He and Taehyun had seen firsthand how much stress it caused their hyung. All for some petty competition to be first school wide. There was no doubt beomgyu must be going through the same thing. Soobin didn't like that. He didn't like the idea of his best friend not only making more stress for himself, but other people too.

He would need to talk to Taehyun and see what he could do about this so called rivalry.


Just like all their other classes, they got their PE locker numbers and then it was free time for the rest of the period. Naturally beomgyu dashed for hueningkai who wasn't even seated relatively near them.

Wish that was me, beomgyu thought. He sighed and trudged his way to Kai. "Hyunggggg, I feel so bad for you. Your literally sandwiched between them." Kai said with pity. "God why is it always me." He huffed. "Why couldn't I have your last  name or something!" You could practically hear the jealously seeping through beomgyu's voice as he growled out his sentences.

As he slowly looked around, beomgyu could see Yeonjun, Soobin, and Taehyun weird thing was that they were staring directly at them already. Beomgyu could feel Kai shivering next to him. God they were so annoying. Beomgyu might get a lot of attention since he is known as one of the top students. But hueningkai wasn't exactly used to it.

Neither was beomgyu really. Well no one would be if three people are ominously staring at you from across a gym, well whispering who knows what. Beomgyu silently grabbed Kai's shoulder and dragged him with him to a different part of the gym. To a place less noticeable.


Hey, sorry this chap is kinda short 😭
But I'll try to do a longer one next :)
Good night to everyone 🫡

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