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Omg I'm back 😱 sorry I didn't post yesterday I was pretty busy😔


Yeonjun POV

Damn, kid really bolted for the door...

I mean, I was kinda staring at him. Like the whole class. At least now I know how to annoy him. Oh wait I totally forgot about Taehyun, I'm pretty sure he was seated right next to beomgyu's friend.

After being lost in his thoughts for a good minute. Yeonjun didn't even notice Soobin tapping his shoulder, with whining Taehyun by his side.

"Dude, hello, Yeonjun hyung." Instead of repeating himself any longer, soobin stopped tapping yeonjun's. Instead he slowly extended his arm, and whacked yeonjun's head.

"What the-" Yeonjun screeched. Before he could continue his sentence, Taehyun slapped his hand on yeonjun's mouth. Muffling whatever yeonjun was about to scream.

When he had calmed down, soobin had already grabbed his stuff and taehyun started to drag him out of the room.

"Soobin, why the hell did you smack me that hard. That shit hurt bro"

Soobin smiled cheekily, "well hyung you weren't listening to me. What were you thinking about anyway? You were so out of it."

Yeonjun was about to answer when Taehyun who had been suspiciously quiet finally spoke, "He was thinking about beomgyu. I saw him death glaring at the poor guy like the whole period."

"I wasn't death glaring, I was just staring at him."Taehyun rolled his eyes, "Hyung, you looked like you were about to beat the crap out of him. Don't even try to defend yourself."

"Wait", soobin said. "Is that why beomgyu like sprinted out the door?"

Yeonjun shrugged, probably. But it wasn't like he cared much. It was his intention after all. Call him petty.

Soobin and Taehyun could clearly see that Yeonjun didn't really care about what he did. Ask them and they would both agree that this whole rivalry thing that they had going on, just seemed pretty wrong.

It wasn't even a valid reason to fight.

Yeonjun had long gone silent, even though they didn't understand what he particularly had against beomgyu. Yeonjun had his reasons and even if they tried to change them, yeonjun was a stubborn person. He wouldn't listen to them anyways.

As taehyun and soobin pealed their eyes off of yeonjun, they made eye contact and came to a silent agreement, they would try their best to change yeonjun's and beomgyu's relationship.


Beomgyu POV

After beomgyu had sprinted out the door, he stood idol waiting for his best friend to accompany him.

After a minute or so, Kai showed up with a small pout on his lips. "Gyu hyung, why did you leave me?" He huffed.

"Oh sorry Kai, but I literally couldn't stand another second in there. Yeonjun was like glaring at me, the whole fricking period. I was honestly worried about my safety, he looked like he was about to stab me or something."

Beomgyu shivered as he thought about the watchful eyes that stared at him. He already though yeonjun was creepy but that was on whole other level.

"Well I'm glad we're out of there. I though taehyun would hate me since I'm your best friend but he seems surprisingly chill. We didn't talk but he didn't give me a dirty stare either."

"Hmm, I wouldn't know since I haven't actually met him myself." Beomgyu shrugged.

"Hyung, why do you hate yeonjun so much?"

Beomgyu sighed and answered, "I mean who wouldn't hate someone like him. As far as I know he just started hating me ever since we met. I honestly don't know what he has against me but I'm not to keen on finding out. I don't want to have anything to do with him."

Kai glanced towards beomgyu, maybe he was the only one that noticed. But whenever hueningkai looked into beomgyu's eyes he saw the misery. Beomgyu was practically swimming in it.

He needed to find a way to fix it. Even if it was near impossible, he needed to try. As long as hueningkai has known beomgyu, he has never seen his hyung truly happy.

Sure, beomgyu hyung seemed happy at times, hueningkai thought. But, he knew that it was all just a illusion, a visual display to show the world.

He would do whatever it took for his friend to finally find true happiness.


Yay I'm back✨✨✨ also testing week is finally over 😌 anyway good day or night to everyone 🫡

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