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Beomgyu had the same strict routine. Wake up, go to school, study, sleep, and repeat. And oh boy was he tired of it.

He didn't even get any time with his friends. His whole life was just studying at this point. He didn't want it but, he didn't have a choice.

Beomgyu was only living this miserable life because of his parents. Ever since he was born his whole life had been very restricted because of his parents. Eventually he just succumbed to that lifestyle and lost hope for change. There was no changing his parents ways, and that's for sure.

Oh and he gave up hope for a love life a long time ago. Well, he spent all his time studying so he didn't have any free time on his hands anyway.

He never told anyone other than his friends but, Beomgyu was gay. His parents? Extremely homophobic. They would probably disown him if they ever found out. And that's precisely why Beomgyu had completely given up on his none existent love life before it even had the chance to start. Not that it ever would of course...


Today was the first day back to school, only now beomgyu was a senior. Which meant he had to study even harder to please his parents. Beomgyu got out of bed and got dressed. He skipped breakfast per usual.

Luckily, Hueningkai lived in the same neighborhood as Beomgyu so they were planning on taking the bus together. None of them could drive so they would have to take the bus.

His parents were at work. They woke up even earlier than Beomgyu and often came home later as well. He never got to spend actual time with them and they weren't close. Not that he cared or anything. But at times he did wish that they would at least acknowledge how hard he worked.

Whenever he had tried to earn their recognition, he had been brushed off and just told that it wasn't enough. Eventually, at some point he just stopped trying. It was pointless anyways.

Beomgyu walked until he reached the bus stop where he saw Hueningkai waiting for him. "Hyung!" Kai yelled as he saw Beomgyu approaching. He suddenly ran up and engulfed Beomgyu in a big hug.

"K-kai, I c-can't b-b-breath. Oh, sorry hyung." Kai said as he slowly started to loosen his deadly grip. "It's ok" beomgyu chuckled. "We haven't seen each other in like 2 weeks." Kai pouted, "I missed you". Though Hueningkai did understand beomgyu's situation, he couldn't help but feel a bit saddened with the little amount of time that he had been spending with his best friend.

Beomgyu sighed " I know I missed you too but I wasn't allowed to leave the house." Hueningkai gazed at beomgyu's eyes and saw nothing but sorrow. The sadness in his friend's eyes only added to the pity that he felt for him.

Just then, the bus pulled up, they walked in and took their seats. As Kai sat, he got a text from his other friends, they were texting in their group chat.

Turns out Hyunjin, IN, and Felix, had already arrived at school, they all walked together because they lived really close by.

Beomgyu and Kai lived a bit farther. Not that far but far enough to that walking would take a while. Thats why they needed to learn how to drive. They couldn't keep riding the bus forever...

The time spent in the bus was all but a blur. And I'm the blink of an eye, beomgyu and Kai were already exiting the bus, and were walking towards the familiar campus.

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