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Hey y'all I'm back 🥰 I finally got some time to work on this 😀 enjoy the chapter :)


‼️trigger warning eating disorder‼️

Slowly beomgyu got up from his seat and walked towards the bathroom.  He really felt like throwing up. He didn't even eat five bites and he already felt sick. Just thinking about it made beomgyu gag even more.

He could feel his insides turning, begging for release. Quickly beomgyu headed inside the bathroom. He practically ran for the nearest stall, slammed the door shut and locked it. Then dropped to his knees.

He gagged a couple of times but nothing came up. Beomgyu sighed and slowly rose from the floor. He felt so sick. Yet, he couldn't even throw up.

I'm all honesty, beomgyu was starving. But, he couldn't even eat. Beomgyu felt tears in his eyes, harshly wiping them away immediately. He couldn't cry over something as stupid as this, he should really just try harder. This was nothing to cry about.

After slowly unlocking the door, beomgyu peeked his head out just to see if anyone was around. He hadn't heard any voices when he entered. Then again, he was to focused on reaching the toilet to notice anyone's presence beside him.

He looked around, good. The coast was clear, and he was free to leave without anyone having to know of what could have taken place. As beomgyu washed his hands, his gaze wandered to his reflection. Jee, he really looked like a mess.

About to cry over something as small as this, damn when did I become so pathetic? Angrily, beomgyu washed his face, ridding it of the pain that was left over by his salty tears.

Without another thought, beomgyu walked out of the bathroom and started to make his way towards his table. "Hyung, what took you so long?" Kai spoke softly. "Everything okay?"

"Huh, oh yeah just great." Beomgyu's smiled though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Kai frowned but said nothing more. He didn't want to be a bother to the older and act all nosy. Especially when his hyung had already told him there was nothing wrong. Though deep down he knew, that something just didn't feel right.

That fake smile was all it took to further amplify his already growing suspicion. Beomgyu was a stubborn person, Kai knew that more than anyone. He couldn't just make him admit to whatever was going on. Beomgyu would easily brush him off. He would laugh off his heart ache, pretending like it's no big deal. Covering up all the hurt he felt inside.

Boemgyu always kept him in the dark, not wanting him to worry. He just didn't realize that this was exactly what worried kai the most. Kai just wanted to be there, to share his pain. To relieve some of that big burden his best friend carried on his shoulders.

Slowly beomgyu picked up his barely eaten sandwich and walked to the nearest trash can to throw it away. Damn, he felt so relieved after that. At least he made a valid excuse for now. He wouldn't have to worry about it for today. That was more than enough at that moment.

Soon lunch came to an end. Beomgyu and hueningkai bid farewell to Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin. Then made their way to the gym. "Ughhh hyungggggg," kai whined. "We have PE 5th period this year! Great, right after lunch, now I'm definitely gonna throw up." Hueningkai attempted to at least raise the mood. Since he felt like his hyung had been acting a little strange ever since he went to the bathroom.

Luckily, beomgyu strated to turn into his good old self soon enough. Kai had always known how to make him smile. The walk wasn't that far so they reached the gym fairly fast. Only to be met with of course Yeonjun, along with Soobin and Taehyun. His two best friends. Didn't look like they noticed them enter the gym so beomgyu and Kai quickly walked to their spot with the rest of their class. Bad part was that there was only one senior PE class 5th period.

Their class. Which meant they were all in the same class. Again.

God life really had it out for them. It didn't help that ever since their little "incident" beomgyu thought even more lowly of yeonjun. At this rate he didn't put it past him to start getting competitive for things like who could run faster. Anything stupid and childish like that really.

Soon their teacher started assigning role call spots. They were assigned by last names as always. Well, there goes beomgyu's luck. Yeonjun, his friend Soobin, and Beomgyu. All had the same last name. More precisely, Choi as their last name. That only meant they'd have to be next to each other in role.

Just as beomgyu predicted, the teacher called out "Choi Yeonjun, right here. Choi Beomgyu, next to him. Choi Soobin, after beomgyu." Oh no, no, no, no, no, and no. Not only was Beomgyu right next to them. But he was smack in the middle. He really wanted to cry now. Dreadfully, beomgyu slouched his shoulders and headed to the said spot. There he was meet with the one and only Choi Yeonjun already having been seated.

Face gleaming with angry. Jeez that guy scowled so much, Beomgyu was honestly surprised he didn't have any wrinkles yet. Hey, it would if anything, be something for beomgyu to laugh at. Oh wait, speaking of yeonjun, he was still glaring daggers into beomgyu's skull.

Beomgyu was too busy side eyeing yeonjun to notice the other presence that was seated beside him. Unfortunately, that presence didn't seem all that welcoming either. To beomgyu at least. Soobin hasn't actually said anything to Beomgyu before. Now that he gave it some thought, they hadn't ever spoken at all. Sure, they had had classes together before but there wasn't a word uttered from either of their mouths. It was natural for beomgyu since he spent the majority of his time studying. But Soobin was known at school to be a "friendly person".


Omg I'm posting this hella late at night tbh. Well it's Friday so....
Anyway time to sleep. School has been so packed these days. Gn or gd to everyone 🫡

My Number One (Beomjun/Yeongyu)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα