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The pic is me rn. I have hella bad allergies bc I'm allergic to dust mites🥲 anyways school is almost over last week until summer break!!!!! I'll try to start posting more then. Anyways enjoy the chapter🥰


After the whole breakdown situation, Kai brought beomgyu to the bathroom. Kai suggested that they make it a pretend "secret mission" with the reasoning of "would you really want someone especially from school, to see your ugly crying face hyung?"

He got whacked on the head right after. Screaming "I'm sorry hyung it was a joke!"

Even with how offended beomgyu was he didn't have much better to do so he agreed to the so called "secret mission". Still glaring at Kai as the younger attempted to do rolls on the floor. Trying not to be seen by the janitors. It failed horribly resulting in him bumping his already smacked head into the door of the bathroom.

As quickly as they went in, they went out and returned to the gym preparing to head to their next class.

As the bell rang they went their separate ways, knowing that they didn't have the last two periods together.

It wasn't exactly a problem for beomgyu but he still didn't really enjoy the idea of being alone. Plus, he felt like he was being followed, kinda creepy. Not liking the feeling, beomgyu started to walk faster.

Clueless of the person slowly walking behind him.


Yeonjun wasn't stupid, he had seen beomgyu and hueningkai acting like idiots as they tried to get past everyone. Well not beomgyu, but heuningkai specifically.

Looked like he was the only one that noticed stuff though. Apparently people were very stupid since no one saw the guy rolling all over the floor and then bumping his head.

But yeonjun was also apparently the only person that noticed the swollen red puffy eyes, that beomgyu had walked out of that gym room with.

Was he sick or something?

When the two had collided earlier, yeonjun had unintentionally looked at beomgyu's schedule. Therefore ruining his day to know that the two had four classes together. Souring his mood for probably the rest of the day.

But, that's the only reason he was now following beomgyu towards their next class. It was for the sake of curiosity. He wanted two know if the younger was sick or not.

When he spotted beomgyu leaving the gym he took the more secluded route to get to class. If he was in fact sick, who knows what could happen? Beomgyu could faint and no one would even know.

It was for his safety. Definitely.


As the strange feeling persisted beomgyu sped up his walk to a fast walk basically jogging his way to class.

It was really edgy, normally he wasn't very scared, like in horror games, he would never get jump scared and he just wasn't frightened by the dark or the thought of being left alone. This was a first for sure.

His heart was actually racing, pounding in his chest like a ticking time bomb. About to go off and explode his insides. It was unsettling, he had already started off today with a bad start. Not matter how many times he said that. It was actually very true.

And things just kept getting worse, really wasn't his day, huh.

When he'd gotten sick of the strange feeling, beomgyu built up the courage to turn around and face whatever it was.

Oh. It was just Choi Yeonjun.

Wait what?

Beomgyu blinked once, then twice, then after the third time he squinted his eyes suspiciously. What was he even doing over here, looking like a total creep, was he being stalked or something? Beomgyu genuinely considered running away but he thought against it. He needed to use his brain a little more, he convinced himself as he struggled to get his beating heart under control.

Yeonjun had just been standing about six feet away from him. Hands in his pockets, eyes starting right back at his own.

Well that's kinda creepy, beomgyu thought. Yeonjun seemed so nonchalant. But his gaze was shifting around, almost like he was looking for something. But what would he be looking for in beomgyu's eyes. That's stupid, beomgyu thought again. Cringing at his inner voice making up these crazy ideas.

As he got snapped back into reality, he noticed yeonjun had moved his gaze from the intense eye contact, to his face? God this guy is so weird, beomgyu was honestly starting to question yeonjun's motive. Like how was he even here right now? Beomgyu looked behind him for a single second and poof, there's yeonjun staring directly at him.

Suddenly, Yeonjun took a few steps forward, until he was directly in front of beomgyu's face. Slowly yeonjun brought his right hand out of his pocket and put it to beomgyu's forehead.

At this point beomgyu didn't even know what was happening so he just stood still waiting for whatever this was to end.

As quickly as the hand was placed there, it left and returned to its original place in yeonjun's pocket. Yeonjun just stood there looking dumbfounded, much like beomgyu perhaps even more so.

As if just looking at beomgyu was taking all of his brain power. Not like the guy had much anyways. That was a lie and beomgyu knew it better than anyone. Yeonjun was the one person standing in his way from being number one in academics, school wide. He just needed an insult to put his own mind at ease.

Yeonjun's gaze slowly locked with beomgyu's once again and he stepped away from him. As if only just realizing the lack of personal space he provided for the younger. Slowly frowning, he spoke sourly, "Move. I need to get to class."

Beomgyu as much as he wanted to argue back, only sighed and quickly faced forward and continued walking. Only this time he had Yeonjun walking by his side.

He didn't even know why he was there, just assuming he had class in the same direction.

Wait, that still didn't explain why yeonjun put his hand on beomgyu's forehead. Beomgyu side eyed yeonjun suspiciously, thinking about the weird events that had transpired in just under the span of a couple hours.
Yeonjun on the other hand wasn't even facing him, just walking along side him quietly. It was kinda confusing, beomgyu expected yeonjun to be at least fast walking if not running to get ahead of him.

That's just how he portrayed him to be. The type of guy that takes everything as competition, always needing to be first to please himself. The type of guy that gets on beomgyu's nerves.

They walked fast, not a word uttered between them, sometimes beomgyu would try to speed up his pace or slow down so yeonjun wouldn't have to walk beside him. It would always end in vain, with him easily matching his walking pace with beomgyu's again.

Succeeding in annoying beomgyu more than anything. He kept quiet about it though, not having the energy left to start an argument.

Not many people knew of this route, that's why beomgyu thought it would be the perfect time to organize his thoughts. The route went around the school it was basically just a long hallway full of empty, dusty lockers, classrooms, and storage rooms. The place that the school stores all of the extra stuff. Oh, and most of the lights were flickering or broken. Maybe that's why beomgyu had actually gotten scared being there earlier.

Finally they reached the classroom, and walked in. Only then did beomgyu realize that yeonjun had the same class as him.

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