Chapter Thirteen

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It's no secret that Freddie's relationship with his family is strained, with his old man being some important CEO billionaire or some shit, who's busy all the time and tries to make up his lack of attention toward his sole heir by throwing money at him. Freddie doesn't complain much about it, saying that "there are poor people in the world and having a semi-absent sperm donor who didn't come to my graduation isn't some painful tragedy", but I know he's always been kind of bummed about it.

"Maybe you should come over to my place next Thanksgiving," I offer lamely. Not that it was anything weird, anyway. Gina used to come over to my place to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's with my family when her parents were going through a divorce and things were going rough in her household.

"You know I will, I'd be part of your family by then," Freddie says in a duh tone.

"Ah. Right. We're eloping next Spring Break."

"Damn right." He pauses. "Anyway, how are things with... you know."

I pretend to be dumb. "Mm? With who?"

"You know. That guy."

"Ohhh. That guy. Yeah. Well, I haven't seen him around." I pull the blanket up to my chin. "Not planning to, anyway."

"What are you planning to do?"

I shrug to myself. "Ignore him, the way he's been doing to me the past couple of months? I don't know, Freddie, he isn't even trying to contact me or anything. I think it's over for real this time."

"I still think there's some stuff you guys need to talk to each other about. It's weird how he just... left like that after promising to keep in touch with you," he says sympathetically.

He can't see the way I shrug my shoulders. "I don't wanna get my hopes up, you know? It looks like it's over, so... I'm just gonna have to accept it." I look around the tree house and let out a sigh. "It's hard, though, being here... Everything just reminds me of him."

"A wise man... or woman, I don't remember... once said that, if something is meant to be, then it will be..."

"That's a good quote."

"I know."

I try not to laugh. "Let me guess, are you googling wise sayings about life and/or motivation quotes right now?"


"Okay." I laugh.

"It really is a good quote though."

"A bit cliché, but sure." I take a deep breath and untangle myself from the blanket, slowly folding it. "Anyway, why'd you call? You need something?"

"Nothing. I was just bored. You know, not much to do in this mega mansion my parents keep insisting to call home. Then remembered I haven't wished you a happy thanksgiving yet. So, happy thanksgiving, Hannah."

"Happy thanksgiving to you, too," I tell him.

"For all it's worth, I really do hope you work it out with your ex," he tells me. "In the spirit of the holidays, may he realize the mistake he's making before it's too late."

I smile and shake my head. "Freddie?"

"Yes, Hannah?"

"Come with me to my brother's wedding?" I ask, hating how weak my voice sounds to my own ears. "Only if you can, though. It's on Christmas Eve. You probably got plans already."

It takes a moment for him to reply, and when he does, his voice sounds softer. Gentler. "Of course, Hannah. You know I'll take any excuse to skip my family affairs."

Purposefully AccidentalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang