Chapter 39 - Emma

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"All your things are still in there." Callan indicated the bathroom. "Your clothes are all here as well."

He...he kept my things? That was...I didn't have words other than it made me regret the days I spent second-guessing their feelings for me. How could I have ever thought I'd been a game to them? Because they would've thrown out my stuff the second we were over if that had been the case.

I didn't even have to say anything to him; now that I wasn't hiding my feelings, he could easily read on my expression how much that meant to me.

Oh God, I think I might cry again, I thought and had to forcibly distract myself from it. I was done crying. I was so fucking done.

Callan stepped up to me and leaned down to kiss me sweetly on my forehead. "No matter the circumstances, I'm happy to have you here," he whispered before pulling away.

"Thank you," I whispered back, the warmth in my chest was ever so present whenever I was with them. It melted away the coldness that had taken root because of him, and slowly healed all the broken pieces these weeks had caused me. They didn't have to do much either, only by being there with me, for me, was enough.

As tired as I was, I'd gotten a little spring in my step when I moved towards the bathroom. Once I got inside and closed the door, my eyes widened. Although Callan had already said all my stuff were still here, it wasn't the same as actually seeing it. Even my toothbrush was still right where I had left it, in the holder alongside Callan's.

Someone knocked on the door as I brushed my teeth.


"Do you want something to sleep in?" Callan's voice was muffled, but after my time with Gideon, I could hear him much clearer than I would've done before I had met them.

Spitting out the toothpaste, I answered, "A t-shirt would be great." I usually liked to sleep with only a pair of panties, but there were boundaries in place now that hadn't been there back when we had the arrangement. I didn't know what we were anymore, and even as hypocritic as it was of me to be bothered by it, I was.

A few seconds later, he knocked again, and then opened the door a crack, just enough to give me the t-shirt—his t-shirt. If he really hadn't thrown any of my stuff away, there would've probably been something else there for me to wear, not that I would object to this.

Like an addict who'd gone too long without a fix, I pressed the cotton material to my nose and breathed in his scent. The warm and spicy smell of his reminded me of happiness; of dancing onboard a boat with the view of New York City shining through the window; of mornings spent on the sofa watching The Witcher as I was getting a massage; of falling in love. Each of the guys' scent held fond memories and feelings, and I...I'd missed them much more than should've been possible after only a short time together. But, it didn't feel like I met them just a couple of months ago. As cliché as it may sound, it was as if I'd known them my entire life—or was always meant to know them.

When I re-entered the bedroom, Mateo had made himself comfortable on one side of the bed. He gave me one of his cheeky smiles, though I wasn't oblivious to the slight strain to it. All things considered, they were taking the news well—or at least, they were keeping it together for my sake, which I appreciated. I couldn't handle much more today.

Callan brushed past me to use the bathroom.

"You mind if I stay here?" Mateo asked, and while it sounded like teasing, his eyes remained serious enough for me to understand he needed to know if I was okay with it or not. He was on the top of the comforter, still dressed as if he was prepared in case my answer was no.

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