Chapter 10 - Emma

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The air was filled with a type of heaviness that could only be created by people with unfinished business between them. It was the kind of heavy that made breathing difficult and burned your skin with heat.

Gideon moved behind me; I could feel him coming closer, even if I couldn't hear the steps against the carpeted floor. My feet stood rooted to their spot in the middle of the room; I didn't even know if I could move at all—too weighted down by the tension between us.

I swallowed, my nerves winning against the excitement of being alone with him.

"W-what are you doing?" I stammered. My pulse rose as my heart beat faster and harder.

"I could ask you the same," he whispered against my ear. I startled, unaware of how close he'd gotten. "I've watched you tonight," Gideon told me. "Are you normally this jumpy with the customers?"

Fuck, had I been that obvious? Of course, I did drop a bottle worth...I didn't want to know how much.

"N-not normally, no," I answered shakily.

He took a step closer, pressing his front against my back. The warmth of his body seeped through our clothes, practically branding my skin with his heat. I closed my eyes briefly, letting myself drown in the feeling of having him this close, something I thought I'd already lost the chance of experiencing again.

"Then why is this time any different?" he asked. With him this close, his lips caressed the shell of my ear as he spoke, making me shudder in instant lust.

Gideon was short-circuiting my brain, and I had trouble thinking of an answer.

"Because you're watching me." It was a cop-out, though not necessarily a lie. It did make me self-conscious having his eyes on me.

He didn't say anything for several seconds, and I feared he didn't believe me.

"Turn around." The command was evident in his bossy tone, and fuck if it didn't make me wet. Not too long ago, I'd been ridden with fear, but a moment alone with him, and all my problems had suddenly taken a back seat.

When I didn't turn around fast enough to his liking, he ordered me again. This time, his voice was darker, more dominating.

Finally, I got my rooted legs to listen enough to turn, albeit shakily. At the same time as I turned around, I put some distance between us. Being chest-to-chest with this man was not ideal with my current issues.

A moan almost escaped me when I saw him. There was something to be said about seeing this terrifyingly handsome man up close and personal. I could see his every detail; his fitted black shirt, which did nothing to hide his bulgy muscles, but instead highlighted them. I saw his dark eyes that had darkened more than his natural eye color was. I took in the few days-old beard and couldn't stop my mind from wondering what it would feel like scratching against my inner thighs.

My clit throbbed at the thought, and I clenched my thighs in an effort to lessen the ache. Like always, it never worked.

His eyes narrowed as if he could sense where my thoughts had turned to.

"W-what did you bring me in here for? If it's about the tequila, you can deduct it from my pay." Was I sweating? I was definitely sweating. I could feel droplets of it gathering between my breasts.

"Unless you'd want to go without pay for six months, it'll be a write-off."

Oh, shit. Who bought liquor that expensive? Idiots, most definitely.

Gideon's lips twitched in that almost-smile of his, betraying his amusement. My eyes widened.

"Did I say that out loud?"

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