Warning before continuing

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This current plot will be discontinued and archived on August 31st while I take a break indefinitely from the series. Once I am ready to return, I will start the sequel from scratch with a new storyline that is more authentic to "Yes, Sirs" and its essence. 

The next chapters will not amount to a completed book, but one that is half finished. They are unedited, and will possibly contain several spelling mistakes and errors. 

At the end of the chapters, I will write and share  what would have happened in this plot, and who the stalker is. 

Thank you for supporting me on this journey so far, and I hope you'll wait for me while I rediscover my creativity and dabble with other writing ideas until I am able to start the sequel with a fresh mind and fresh ideas. 

I love you <3 

And please remember to take good care of yourselves. We all need to prioritize self-care more x

Yes, Masters (Book 2 of Desire's Den)Where stories live. Discover now