Chapter 24 - Emma

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I waited until I got home, wanting to distance myself from anyone before playing the stupid video. I didn't know what it would show, and I didn't need anyone witnessing my distress—especially him. I wasn't about to give him more ammunition in the form of knowing he was affecting me.

The video started on a dark street, and it took me a moment before I recognized the buildings just a couple of blocks from my apartment. 

It was quiet; the only thing I could hear was his footsteps as he walked with a casual sort of purpose. I couldn't see him. I could only see what was right in front of him, and I wondered if he was using one of those GoPros because the camera angle was way too high for someone to be holding it.

I shuddered when I realized he was following someone. In the darkness, I could barely make out a man walking further up the street, unaware that he was being followed by a monster. The man staggered slightly when he turned left, down another road.

He was walking with a terrifying calmness, and I dreaded to see what would happen when he inevitably caught up with the man.

Then a chilling sound filled my ears as he started whistling, and another shudder ran through my body. Simply by watching the video, my body went into fight or flight mode, as if I was the one being followed in a dark street at night.

This could've been me. Fuck, this probably had been me, I thought, thinking back to times when my stalker had managed to photograph me while I had remained oblivious to it—or that time he'd texted when I'd been on my way to see the guys after I'd been at the police station. It was unnerving and horrific to even think about.

He was starting to get closer to the guy now. The whistling grew louder by the second as if he wanted the guy to know someone was behind him.

The sounded so familiar, like something tugging at the back of my mind, and yet, as hard as I tried, I couldn't place the melody.

The guy remained oblivious, even with him practically whistling right by his ears. Either the guy must've been completely shit-faced, or in the men's world, they didn't have to worry like us women did when they were alone outside at night. If that had happened to me, I would've either run like hell or turned around with my pepper spray. I certainly wouldn't have ignored it.

They turned a right; he was walking so close behind him that he was practically breathing down the man's neck. How didn't the guy notice?

When they drew near an alley, he made his move. With a hard push, he threw the guy toward the dark alley, making him fall to his stomach.

"Hey, what the hell, Man?" The man's startled and slurring voice made me stiffen; a sharp gasp slipped out of me. 

My hand covered my mouth in shock, immediately recognizing the voice. Hard not to when only yesterday, he'd spewed hateful words towards me . A second later, the man started getting up, his face turned towards him and the camera, confirming what I already knew.

Oliver had a dazed look in his eyes, hinting that he'd done more than drink alcohol. He'd gotten a light scratch on his cheek from being pushed onto the pavement.

He didn't let him get up, though. Instead, he used his foot to shove him onto his back.

"A little birdy told me you like to prey on defenseless women," the mechanically distorted voice assaulted my ears, and I was almost stunned when my ears didn't start to bleed. "Do you feel manly bullying them? Do you feel better about yourself for hurting my dear?"

"Look, psycho, I don't know what you're talking about or who the fuck your dear is," Oliver grunted, trying once again to lift himself up, but he stepped on his chest, keeping him down.

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