Chapter 9 - Emma

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I didn't know why I wore pants instead of the work-issued shorts. Who was I kidding? Of course, I knew. Gideon had once demanded I'd change from my shorts to the pants I'd worn on my way to work. That time, I hadn't followed through, which led to me being punished for my disobedience. Now though, it felt like I was distancing myself further from them if I wore shorts instead of pants. It was ridiculous, but that was what it felt like.

Mark didn't stop me like he usually did when I walked past his office to get to the changing room. 

Mark was the manager of Euphoria and a friend. At least, we'd been friends. He used to have a thing for me that I'd never encouraged, but when he found out I was with Gideon, he took a step back. Honestly, he didn't just take a step back; he'd gone on to ignore me. At first, it stung, but now I was so knee-deep in another kind of hurt that made this feel inconsequential.

Hanging up my jacket and storing my bag, I got ready for a shift at the bar. I worked two jobs, one at the Quick Bites Queens Café with Kevin and here at Euphoria, an exclusive nightclub owned by Gideon—something I hadn't found out until after I became his submissive. He hadn't known about it either.

Euphoria was the kind of club for people to see and be seen. The drinks were expensive as all hell, but it kept up the façade that this place was only for those who could afford the exclusive lifestyle. Many, of course, couldn't afford it, but they wanted to pretend for a night that they could.

I glanced in the mirror quickly, ensuring my eyes didn't look red and haggard from a night of crying and lack of sleep. 

This shit that had happened to me couldn't have come at a better time when my emotions were already high from having my period. Thank you, hormones, for making it even harder for me.

As I walked out to the bar area, my eyes went automatically to the VIP section as if sensing that one of my men was there.

Gideon sat in a booth by himself, a glass present in his hand. 

His eyes connected with mine; his gaze was so intense it practically took my breath away. 

I didn't know what he was doing out here. Usually, he wouldn't be. Well, of course, he hadn't been, or else I would've found out sooner that he was my boss.

He looked me over from head to toe; his gaze paused when he saw my pants. Even from a distance, I could tell he was pleased. I could see it in the slightest twitch of the mouth and how his eyes heated a tiny bit. Seeing his approval made my skin hum in this pleasant kind of way.

Forcing myself to break eye contact, I went behind the bar and set everything up before we opened. 

I could feel him watching as I got everything ready, making me hypersensitive; my skin prickled, and I was aware of my every movement.

I bathed in his attention, knowing it was the only thing I would be getting from him in a while.

He'd promised me he would fight for us, but I was anxious to find out how he would do it. I couldn't risk physical contact or anything that could trigger the guy who had now taken control of my life. At least, I thought it was a man. From what I'd heard on the phone, it seemed to be a guy, but with the added robotic effect, I couldn't be completely sure. Thankfully, I hadn't heard anything more from him since yesterday before the meeting with the guys.

As the club started to fill with customers, I was kept busy enough that I didn't have the time or capacity to think about the unknown person. I didn't want to call him a stalker; it would just make everything too...real.

Gideon didn't stop watching me while I worked. Once, when I looked up at him, I saw him scrutinizing a male customer who was a little too forward while hitting on me. Still, it wasn't something I couldn't handle myself. It seemed Gideon had come to the same conclusion—the tight grasp on his glass wasn't hard to miss, though, so he wasn't happy even if he was controlling himself.

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