Chapter 37 - Emma

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My heart was beating like crazy as Callan and Mateo ushered me towards Gideon's office. I was terrified, so damn scared at the knowledge that he had been right here, just a feet away from me without me noticing. Had I seen his face tonight without knowing it was him looking right back at me? Had he been one of the customers I had smiled to while mixing his drink? The thought made me nauseous.

I didn't know who was holding a comforting hand against my back—nothing registered expect the fact that he had been here.

He'd been here.

He'd been here.

He could still be here.

My mind was frantic, disbelieving he'd had the guts to write me the note here, where the guys could've seen him. Did they see him? They were fast enough to come to my aid the second I read the note—Fuck, the note! Gideon had ripped it right out of my hands and had read it. How could I explain the note? Could I think of a plausible lie that would keep the secret safe? I swallowed hard. There was no plausible explanation for the note except for the truth. But could I really tell them the truth?

I was starting to hyperventilate, my lungs sucked in air desperately as if it was afraid I wouldn't get enough of it. I was panicking—really fucking panicking. This was just too much. Everything was too much.

It was dark in the office except for the lamp on Gideon's desk, but one of the guys turned on more lights as the other closed the door behind us. The music and chatter from the club was cut off when the door closed, leaving us in a silence that was all too loud; I could practically hear the guys thinking, speculating at what the note had said.

Someone came up from behind me and put their arms around my stomach. I was too concentrated on my breathing to guess which one of the guys were holding me.

I stiffened at the comfort, like it was an alien feeling that had no place in my soul.

"Shh, relaxed. You're okay. You're safe here," Callan talked softly as he placed a soft kiss on my head.

Was I safe though? Were they safe now that they knew something was up?

Callan didn't let me speculate further as he turned me around to give me a proper hug, pressing me tightly against his chest, his hand stroking my back in a soothing motion that slowly but surely calmed me until I was finally breathing normally again.

As if the last of my energy left me, I settled into the hug and let Callan support some of my weigh. He did so without complaint, only continued to utter words of comfort. I sensed Mateo before I felt him crowd against my back, his hand clamping my shoulder softly, like he was telling me that he was here too, to offer comfort and support if I needed it. Neither began peppering me with questions, which was what I'd expected when they took me to the office. Instead, they tried to calm my pounding heart, knowing exactly what I needed when I myself hadn't been aware of my own need for hugs and reassurance.

Without meaning to, my eyes began watering, but I forcibly closed them, refusing to let new tears spill. This time, I wouldn't be able to stop the tears if I let them run. There were just too much in my body now; too much emotion, too much exhaustion and nerves to find a place for each of them.

"We'll give you a moment. But the second Gideon gets here, we'll need some answers," Mateo said with a tenderness that both soothed me and made the emotions overwhelmingly strong.

"I know," I muttered into Callan's chest defeatedly. There was no way for me to continue this charade and keep this from them. A part of me was relieved that I wouldn't need to hide it from them any longer, but my stomach tightened with fear of what this could mean; for me, but especially for them.

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