Goodbye my Friend

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Chapter 21
( 2 weeks later )
Finns pov :
Today is Rachels last day in Lima . From what I was told by Kurt she's taking the boys back to New York and then selling her house while in New York . I wish she wasn't leaving , this is a my fault I just she could stay I love her so much but I know she's trying to help me by leaving so I can keep the girls . Today she is coming over with the boys to say goodbye and say goodbye to me and the girls . I can't believe this its killing me to let her leave. I was in the kitchen with the girls when the door bell rang. Peyton got up and answered it , "Rachel!" She exclaimed and leaped into her arms . "Oh Peyton how are you?" She asked with her in her arms. "I'm sad that your leaving I'm going to miss you so much . " She said. Rachel smiled and said, "I'm going to miss you too . But you can call me anytime in New York. " I said. Peyton smiled and hugged her , "I wish you were my mommy. " She whispered to her . Rachel smiled put her down looked at Sawyer and said, "I am so happy I was able to be your teacher . " She told her. "I'm lucky I was able to have such an amazing teacher. " She told her . Rachel smirked and hugged her tightly. "Keep singing and never give up on your dream . " She told Sawyer . "I won't. " Sawyer said . Lastly was Danny who had tears in her eyes , "So this is it your jusy going to leave . " She said to Rachel . Rachel held her hands said , "You are an amazing, talented, beautiful, yound lady . You are going to do great things with your life one day and even though I may not be there physically I will always be cheering you on from a far . " She said ."Do you have to leave ?" Danny asked her . "I'm afraid so , but if you're ever in New York please don't be a stranger, and that goes for all of you . " She told us . Danny then hugged her tightly and said , "Peytons right I wish you we my mom . " She told her . Rachel smiled and said , "I wish I was too . But you have an amaxing dad that loves you guys to peices so please take care of him and be kind can you do that for me ?" She asked them . "Of course . " Danny said and they all hugged her . I then walked over to the boys and said, "I'm going to miss you guys , come back and visit. " I said. They smiled , "Will do . " said Andy and then they hugged me. I then took a baseball out of my pocket and said , "Here from our first baseball game we played together. " and I handed it to Alex. "Thanks Finn!" Alex said . "Okay boys are you ready to hit the road . " Rachel said , they nodded and then we all went out to the drive way . The boys went out into the car and Rachel then looked at me and I hugged her tightly one last time not wanting to let go . "I love you. " She said. "I love you too . " I told her . "Take care of the girls and remember to give them room to breath . " She said. "I will and we'll come visit you on your opening night." She told me. "Can't wait . " She said. I smiled and kissed on the cheek and said "Good bye my friend . " I told her . "Lets not say goodbye just say see you later . " she said . I smirked , "See ya later . " I told her . She smiled, "See you later . " She said and then hugged me got into the car and drove off . "I'm going to miss them . " Danny said. I put my hand on her shoulder and said , "Me too honey , me too. "
20 minutes later the doorbell rang Peyton was out side and Sawyer and Danny went out to the mall for a little bit. I got up and opened the door to see Celia there smirking . "What do you want ? " I asked her rudley. "What its my house too. " She said . "Listen you evil bitch I want you out of my life , out of my kids lives and out of my house !" I yelled and slammed the door shut in her face.

Celia's pov :
I watched as he slammed the door in my face . That little troll might have been gone but he still didn't want me . I started to walk when I saw Peyton playing in the yard . I smiled maniacally and walked over to her and said , "Hi Peyton you daddy said we can go shopping wanna come ?" I asked her in my sweetest voice . "No thanks . " She said. I smiled with frustration and said , "How about ice cream ?" "No thank you. " She said. I got red in the face and then finally just picked her up ran to my car shoved her in there as she screamed , "DADDY!!!!!" I slammed the car door and drove off .

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