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Chapter 4
Rachels pov :
It was 7 o'clock and I was getting ready to go to Finns house for dinner. "Boys come on its time to go !" I yelled. "I don't want to go. " Andrew complained to me . "Andrew you're coming no ifs, ands , or buts. " I told him. " "Ha you said butt. " Alex said. I rolled my eye's and said , "Come on lets go." I told them and I grabbed the cassorole and we left . I knocked on door and then a moment later Peyton opened up the door and said , "Hi Rachel! " I smiled, "Hi Peyton can we come in ? " I asked. "Sure! " She said and we walked in "Daddy , Rachels here !" She yelled. Finn then walked out of the kitchen and said , "Hey Rachel you guys are just in time for dinner . " he said and then said , "Sawyer , Danny dinner . " he yelled . Then two girls that looked like they were 16 and 13 came down stairs. "Who's this ? " The oldest one said. " Danny, Sawyer, this is my very old friend Rachel Berry and her sons Andrew and Alex . " He told them . "Rachel , boys this is Danny my eldest and Sawyer my second oldest. ." He told us . I smiled at the girls and said , "Nice to meet you girls , I'm Rachel and these are my sons Andrew and Alex. " I told them . They just stared at me and then Danny said, "So are you like dating my dad now or something?" "What!" My boys said . "Why would she be going out with him she's married . " Andrew said . "You're married?" Finn asked . "Was married , my husband died ." "Oh I'm so sorry. " He said. "It's okay . But no we are not dating we're just friends . " I told them . We were all silent for a moment when Finn said, "Okay um so dinners ready so why don't you kids go wash up , and Rachel and will set the dinner table . " he said. They all walked away and I followed Finn into the kitchen. We were setting up the table when Finn said, "So your husband, he past away . " Finn said. "Yeah 9 months ago . " I told him. "I'm sorry how did he die if you don't mind me asking . " He said . "Well Sam was a soldier in Afganhistan from what they told me there was a explosion and he went into the building to save these little kids , the kids got out but Sam , Sam died. " I told him. "I'm so sorry . " he told me . "It's fine really . " I said putting the plates on the table . He then held my cheek softly. "It's not okay. " he told me . Just as I thought he was going to kiss me we were interrupted by the kids . "Hey guys. " Finn said . "Is dinner ready?" Danny asked us. "Yeah, lets eat . " Finn said and we all sat down and ate. It was the end of the night and we were getting ready to leave . "Thanks for coming over Rach. " Finn said. I smiled, "Thanks for inviting us . " I told him . He then smiled and we hugged and then I said, "Well girls it was nice meeting you and I'll see you around . " I told them . "Bye Rachel !" Peyton said and gave me a big hug. "Bye Peyton , come by and see any time okay. " I told her. "Okay. " She said and smiled at me. Just as we were about to walk out the door Finn stopped me , "Rachel can we talk for a second?" He asked me. "Sure . " I said. I then turned to the boys and said , "Boys here's a key go inside I'll be there to tuck you in soon . " I told them. They left and Finn and I went out on the porch. "So what did you want to talk about ? " I asked him. "Have you heard from .... " "I'm sorry no. " I told him knowing what he was going to asked me. "Oh . " he said dissapointed. "I'm sorry Finn. " I said. "It's okay . I've tried so hard to find her . " he told me. "I don't understand what happened between you two ? " I asked. "I don't know , I just came home one day and she was gone . " He told me . I put my head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Finn you deserve better than that . " I told him. "I know . I think I just need to be there for the girls right now especially Danny she's taking it the hardest . " he told me . "I know Andrew is the same way , he hates me for taking him away from everything. " I told him. "Hey your a good mom . " he told me . "You think so ? " I asked. "I know so. " He said I smiled and then said , "You're a good dad . " I told him. "Not according to Celia . " He told me . "Hey she left you but you stuck aeound for these girls don't forget that . " I told him . He smiled and gave me a hug , "I'm happy you're here Rachel . " He told me . I smiled, " Me too. " I said and he hugged and then I said, "I should probably get going. " I told him. "Yeah me too. " he said . "Goodnight Rachel. " He said. I smiled , "Goodnight Finn. " I told him . I started to walk away when he said , "Hey Rachel. " I turned around, "Yeah ? " I asked. "I don't know if you be interested but maybe if you want we can go out sometime and catch up. " he asked. I smiled , "Sure. " I said. He grinned, "Awesome. I'll call you. " He said. "Okay bye. " he told me . He looked back as he was walking and accidentally stumbled over a trash can . "Are you okay? " I asked. "Yeah I'm fine. " He said getting up. I smiled and walked to my house .

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