His Wish

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Wei Wuxian's smile vanished the moment Feng An appeared by Lan Wangji's side. It is the early morning of Monday, and Wei Wuxian already had a scowl on his face.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Nei Huaisang asked. A friend Wei Wuxian had during his first day of school. Even Lan Wangji left him to Nei Huaisang's care whenever he had something to do or left Wei Wuxian somewhere peaceful.

Wei Wuxian, "unfortunately not... I just..."

Nei Huaisang's brow raised higher. He knew his friend had some sort of radar to know who to not like.

"She's the Belladonna of the school... She is a good person..."

However, Wei Wuxian's guts shouted at him for refusal. Especially what happen with them just yesterday. But Wei Wuxian could only scowl at that. He can't interfere with Lan Wangji's love interest no matter how much the girl annoys him.

Wei Wuxian then turn to Nei Huaisang and talked to him with who knows what. He did not even know that Lan Wangji is keeping an eye on him. But seeing that he is laughing, the latter was assured and left to fix his own devices.

It was afternoon when Wei Wuxian finally went near the stoic man, "Lan Zhan! Let's go home!"

He happily chirped but a single-arm slung around Lan Wangji's arm infuriated him. He could feel his patience snapping and his bright day cracking again, "let me go home with you!"

Wei Wuxian stared at the two's figures walking side by side. He could feel his eyes warming up. Well, it's just for today, or so he wanted to believe.

But it had gone for five days, and tomorrow is that girl's birthday.

Wei Wuxian struggle to stop sniffling, he continued to smile and laugh even though he wanted to storm out of the room. For five days, Lan Wangji seldom talks to him. He always had the girl by his side. And... Lan Wangji allows the girl to feed him as if they are already loving couples.

Wei Wuxian on the fifth day, no longer smiled.

And it worried the Lan members who are bracing themselves for some sort of crack, joke, or prank but nothing came. Nothing.

Even Lan Wangji was worried.

"A-Ying..." Lan Xichen called, "we won't be able to go out tomorrow... I have an emergency meeting and I cannot postpone it... I am sorry... Big brother will make it up to you..."

"Hm... It's work... I understand... I will just stay here at home..."

"Will you be alright?" Lan Xichen asked worriedly.

"I am..." Wei Wuxian said, "I have been alone for most of my life so no sweat!"

For Wei Wuxian those words mean a joke but to the Lans it's not.

"I'll take leave the—"

"Ah! No please uncles! It's work and it's just a day! I might call Nei Huaisang here or go to his house tomorrow and pull some pranks! Hah! Can't wait to see his crestfallen face!.. So it's really fine!" Wei Wuxian faked a laugh.

For seventeen years of his life, he is used to making an 'I'm okay' expression. His parents were always going abroad. His sibling was busy and his aunt and uncles are also traveling around. If it were not for his education, he might go with them, but his mother refused to let him go with them and change schools over and over. So he had to stay and finish high school.

The Lan Family finally let him off.

"Be sure to ask Nei Huaisang or go to Nei Huaisang's..." Lan Xichen said.

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