Bless The Broken Road

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Lan Wangji stood in the middle of the podium and he sat on the piano chair, hands on the keys, hesitant to start playing. Their eyes fixed on the music score in front of him. He let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes as the silence lulled him as quiet as placid thoughts.

There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when happy. Shared hope—shared sorrow—hailed better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance his heart is made better, and after their cacophonous spat calmness prevailed. The calmness he missed, isolation he lived—broken by the melodious laughter that wormed into his defenses.

He thinks about the years he spent just passing through.

The attempts of kindness compromised the sadness caused by his heart. He reminded himself, of one who experiences sadness to know happiness, even life cannot be without a measure of darkness. Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. He knew, he realized, that his feelings never be reciprocated.

There's nothing more depressing than having it all in his hand yet still feeling sad. He was afraid, so afraid, that with each passing day his longing and need would wound him again. Afraid of happiness depended on what he had, in the form of a weak man he had held in his arms. He was glad and sad, for the knowledge that someday... That someone might make him not dare look at his sleeve and look deep into the marking of the man who made his heart his sanctuary.

Pressing the keys of the piano, the soulful sound echoed throughout the auditorium. He runs his fingers on the keys. It was effortless and domineering in the way one can't take their eyes off him. The reverberations and twangs sang a sound of solitude. The continuous notes rang with excitement.

Completely enamored by his sound. He failed to notice the one man who sat on the piano across from him. A second sound echoed with the same intensity and power but with much playfulness and affection.

His eyes opened, staring at the smiling figure playing the piano like his own limbs. With the same intensity and sharpness, such pain, such sadness, such disappointments, and despair, slowly fade, his heart still broken but his eyes still watch with the warmth he never thought he'd experience. The depression was nourished by his lifetime of ungrieved and unforgiven hurts. He, who had no right to ask when sorrow comes for every moment of happiness, now... Let his tears flow and where they go, besotted by the happiness in front of him.

"You are unhappy.." the trembling fingers abruptly stopped, and his eyes laid on the man before him who continued playing slow and smooth.

"You are not smiling..."

"I never smile..."

"You do..." Wei Wuxian replied in a fond tone, "you used to do..."

Him, that conceals his grief finds no remedy of it.

"Wei Ying..." He called, Wei Wuxian slowed down and finished the piece, eyes also staring at the golden hues, "come here..."

Wei Wuxian sat by his side, not too close, not too far, "are you... Okay?"

"Hm! Haha... You worry too much! I am fine!"

Watching Wei Wuxian brush off the conversation with a smile, Lan Wangji did not say anything.

Truth be told, a part of him tells him to be happy. Apart tells him to stop.

Apart tells him that there's no happiness with the man beside him.

Running the keys with their fingers, both of them played a duet. A beautifully played duet.

"Ah! Lan Zhan!! Wait!! Haha!.this is fun!" Wei Wuxian beamed in happiness, his fingers flicking fast and efficiently to hit the notes of the score.

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