The Grime Scene

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It was a dark, ominous night. There were no stars out and the moon was covered by the cloudy sky. The lamppost lights flickered, turning on and off. The streets were empty by this time, no cars around as people were home and slept.

However, there was one car around this time of night.

Parked outside the McDonalds in the parking lot was a broken down, old car that was severely damaged and very much illegal to drive around in, that went by the name of Linda. It was Dazai's car.

Athina and Kaitlyn sat inside, the younger girl sitting in the driver's seat while the other sat in the passenger side. The car was parked and they had the front lights in the car on. In between them in the cupholders were two purple shakes with white whip cream on top, the cup had the confetti on it and the words, 'Happy Birthday Grimace' on it.

On the dashboard was Athina's phone, the screen facing the two girls as Athina flipped the camera towards them so they could see themselves and the purple shakes. Athina reached forward, clicking the play button.

"Hey everyone!" Kaitlyn greeted the camera, smiling. "It's Kaitlyn and Athina here and today we got the Grimace Shake from McDonald's."

"And we heard about the Grimace Shake," Athina began, holding up the drink to the camera. "So we wanted to try it and see if it was true, if we drank it, Grimace would come and try to kill us."

"But I don't believe it!" Kaitlyn added. "So we decided to try it."

The two girls grabbed their shakes, clinking them together. "Well then, here we go. Happy birthday Grimace!" they said and grabbed their straws, drinking from the purple concoction.

"Hmm..." Athina hummed. "Eh, it could be better. I prefer my vanilla shakes over this."

Kaitlyn licked her lips. "It's not bad, but we can definitely make a better version of this at home. It's literally just blueberry and vanilla ice cream."

"Welp, I guess that's it," Athina mumbled, reaching to grab her phone when suddenly the lights in the car turned off and before anyone could say or do anything, something rammed into the back of the parked car, making the girl's scream and the phone fall from the dashboard, twisting and turning until the car stopped shaking and it fell onto the floor, pointing upwards so it showed the now state of Athina and Kaitlyn.

Inside the Armed Detective Agency, the entire group was in the meeting room, sitting down as they watched the video playing on the monitor from the television.

"Breaking news!" The reporter on the screen spoke into the microphone. "We're here outside a McDonald's parking lot where we find a messy crime scene. This morning when the opening shift was coming in, workers found two young girls in a destroyed van covered in a purple substance which has been revealed to be the Happy Birthday Grimace Shake. Incidences like these have been happening all month all over the world involving the Grimace Shake. As we can see here in the crime scene, the victims were found in their car, one of the girls was found halfway through the front windshield unconscious and having purple liquid coming out of her mouth and jacket while the other was hanging through the skyroof, the same liquid spurting out from her mouth and all around her face and clothes." The camera focused on the scene where the cops and ambulance were getting the girl's out of the car and taking pictures of the scene for evidence. "The two girls have been identified as Kaitlyn Nakahara, a Port Mafia executive, and Athina Oda, an Armed Detective Agency member and cafe owner. Police are currently investigating and are trying to figure out who is behind these crime scenes occurring all around the world. We will come back to you soon once we find out more from this pending investigation. Back to the studio."

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