Jenna Gets Into A Fight

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Dazai had just dropped Jenna off at Yokohama High School on a cold Friday morning. His other daughter, Athina, was still at home, sleeping in since she didn't have to wake up at seven in the morning (lucky).

Beep Beep!

"Have fun at school Jenna!!" Dazai yelled out the window from his army green mini van, or should I say, his precious Linda. Jenna always got embarrassed every time he beeped the horn and yelled out to her as all the other kids walking into the building would look at the commotion, but she got used to it. Though, this particular group had been bothering her recently. They would stand outside the building and snicker and whisper to themselves as Jenna walked in. Of course, this group belonged to none other than the devil himself. Satoshi. He kept his dogs on a tight leash, but every now and then he would let one off their collar for the fun of watching them bite. And one of them bit pretty hard.

"Is that your dad?" A girl with pretty blonde hair and a blue headband spoke up. She looked preppy and was basically the girl version of Satoshi. "His car looks disgusting." She spat.

'Kaitlyn would agree...' Jenna rolled her eyes and kept walking. This must have hurt the dog's pride as it continued to bark at Jenna as she walked to her class.

"Hey, aren't you that agency girl? And your dads in that agency too. What was it called? The Loser Detective Agency?"

"It's The Armed Detective Agency." It was seven in the morning, Jenna was exhausted and she honestly didn't have the energy to deal with this girl. She was relieved to finally get to her class since the girl wasn't in it. At least Jenna could stand to ignore them for at least a little while.

'Why do I fight so hard to protect Yokohama if it means I gotta protect them as well? Oh, right...' She thought of Kunikida's long lecture on justice and ideals, recalling how she had almost fallen asleep during it. 'That's why.' she smiled to herself a little, remembering her uncles bickering.

After class was over, Jenna collected her things and exited the room. Though, she forgot about one thing.

"Hey!" Jenna turned and the same girl from earlier was leaning against the locker.

'Waiting for me outside my class? These kids sure are getting ballsy.' "Can I help you?" She tried to be her normal sweet self.

"I wasn't done with you earlier." The girl pushed herself off the locker, and Jenna spotted Satoshi and the rest of his gang, all bickering and laughing. "I heard your dad slept with one of the teachers." The girl said, loud enough that other people in the hallway stopped and stared. "What mystery was he trying to solve? Whether he was a man whore or not?"

Jenna huffed in aggravation. It's one thing when they make fun of her, but her family? "Don't talk about my dad like that-"

"How many moms do you think you have at this point? Who knows, maybe I'll end up being one." The group in the back burst out hysterically laughing and Jenna clenched her fist. She had been training a lot recently with Atsushi and Kunikida and she's able to take out a lot of stress, but this was really getting to her. "Oh, and I heard your sister is a complete psychopath. She's banned from the school on multiple different accounts. Is your whole family full of crazy lunatics?" Jenna was shaking from anger. She was used to the usual harassment from Satoshi and the others but this girl took things way too far. She was about to walk away, but as she turned, the girl reached out to grab her hair. As her fingers entangled with a few strands, Jenna was able to put a hand around her wrist on instinct. The girl furrowed her brows and pushed Jenna away into a locker. Now things were getting heated. She wanted to wipe that preppy smirk right off her face and she wanted to do it quickly.

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