Dazai's Birthday

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It was a regular weekday at the Dazai household. Athina had just gotten home from her side job and decided that she needed to relax.

"Who will be the lucky one today?~" she referred to her secret manga collection, wiggling her fingers and scrolling through the books neatly tucked away in her closet. She gasped when she saw what she wanted to read. "You're perfect!" her eyes lit up with excitement.

"ATHINAAA!!!!" Jenna came out of nowhere and grasped onto Athina's shoulders, startling the girl... that's when it happened. The worst possible scenario.

"Noooo!!" Athina said in slow motion as the book slowly dropped to the floor with plop. Athina dropped to the floor as well, tears coming out of her eyes. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, JENNA?!" she lifted her hands to the air in agony. "You've betrayed me, dearest sister of mine..." Jenna rolled her eyes.

"Athina, that's not important right now! You can read your manga later!!" She put her hands on her hips and looked down to meet the girl's gaze. "I just got back from the Agency and I was talking to uncle Kunikida. He was then all like, "So, what are you getting your father this year?" and I was like, "Um, his birthday isn't till next month lol." BUT THAT CONVERSATION HAPPENED LAST MONTH AND I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN HIM ANYTHING!!"

"Huh? Osamu's birthday is coming up?!" Athina stood up, her sunglasses a little bit crooked. Jenna nodded frantically. "OH SHIT! I DIDN'T GET HIM ANYTHING EITHER!!"

"That's what I'm saying! Not only that, but I think he's been dropping hints to us about what he wants..." Athina and Jenna then looked into the distance to bring up a specific memory.

Dazai peeked out into the living room to see his two daughters sitting on the couch together, watching tv. He snickered to himself, holding a magazine in his hand. He walked in front of the tv, making the two girls lift a brow. He then "dropped" the magazine, causing it to open "accidentally" to a specific page.

"Oh no! It appears I have dropped my magazine which has the latest limited edition full guide to suicide in it! Silly me!" He kneeled down to pick it up and then looked back up to Athina and Jenna, smiling at them.

"Yeah, yeah. Move your ass, Osamu! I'm trying to watch this new episode!" Athina gestured for him to get outta the way. Jenna didn't even say anything. She just peeked around the man, a nonchalant look on her face. Dazai's hopeful expression dropped and he sighed, leaving the area.

"Huh... I guess he was hinting at stuff..." Athina said, feeling guilty.

"I can't believe we didn't notice... but anyways! This means we have to make his birthday extra special!" Jenna said with a sparkle in her eyes. "We should have a surprise party!"

"Pfft, without Osamu finding out? Yeah, sure," the younger girl replied sarcastically.

"I think we're capable enough to keep it from him! I mean- he still doesn't know we sneak out every other night so... this should work too!" Athina shrugged her shoulders.

"Eh, fine. What the hell."

"So, what are we getting here?" Athina looked around their local Party City.

"Anything birthday related. Balloons, streamers, birthday hats, all that jazz."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO RETURNS AFTER USE?!?!" They heard the familiar voice of a certain gravity-manipulator as well as the popping of balloons. The two girls looked at each other in confusion until they turned around to see Kaitlyn, yelling at the employees shaking streamers in their faces while Akutagawa used Rashoumon to pop the display balloons in anger. Gin was there too, she stood there with her arms crossed, supporting Kaitlyn. Since Athina was wearing casual clothing, she pulled her hood up over her head and tightened it, covering her face. 'I don't know these people...' She was gonna walk the other direction until she felt Jenna grab her arm and pull her towards the scene. "YOU SON'S OF- oh, hey Jenna! Athina!" Kaitlyn's demeanor quickly changed as she saw her two friends.

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