Kaitlyn's Birthday

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Paul was freaking out. And by freaking out, it means that he's literally losing it. Chuuya was watching the man pacing back and forth and basically ripping his hair out.

"You good Paul?" Chuuya asked the older man.

"No. I am not good Chuuya," Paul confessed with a bit of irritation in his voice. "Tomorrow is Kaitlyn's birthday and I still haven't gotten her anything! Have you gotten her anything!?" He went all up in the shorter man's face.

"I thought you normally got her presents months in advance?"

"Answer the question Chuuya!"

"Yes. Geez. I got her a present last week. Now answer my damn question," Chuuya crossed his arms.

"I did, but it got ruined!"

"Identify ruined."

"It fell in the fire pit when there was a fire on," Paul told Chuuya.

"Why was it even near the fire pit!?"

"Because Koyo wanted to see what it was! She didn't want to get the same thing that I got her, so she asked me to show it to her!" The taller of the two basically started to break down into tears at this moment. "I don't even know what to do anymore!"

'Damn, dramatic much?' Chuuya thought to himself. "Don't you normally get her more than one present thought?" Paul looked up with watery eyes. "I'm guessing that all of them fell into the fire?" He nodded. "Right. How about you make her something instead? You know. Maybe something personal?"

Paul just blinked and stared at Chuuya. "What?"

"Do I really have to repeat myself?"

He huffed. "Fine. I'll try and think of something. And while I do that, go get your daughter a present. I know you just bought a bottle of wine. She won't drink that."

"She's turning eighteen though!"

"And you know how she feels about herself drinking! Plus, the legal drinking age is twenty years old!"

"Fine, but since when do you care about what's legal or not?" Chuuya grumbled. Paul just ignored him. Soon enough Chuuya set out to go get something that Kaitlyn would want and left Paul to figure out what he will be doing for Kaitlyn himself.

Kaitlyn walked up to the door of Koyo's house. She then knocked. "Auntie! It's me! Kaitlyn!" she called out to her aunt.

"Coming sweetheart!" She called from the other side. It was about a minute until Koyo finally opened the door. "How are you dearie?" She asked as Kaitlyn walked into her home.

"I'm doing quite well. I'll be turning eighteen tomorrow, so that's exciting, but also nerve wracking because I'm basically going to be an adult in a sense. Kind of scary if I'll be honest with you."

"You'll still be the same Kaitlyn that we know and love," Koyo told her.

"I know, but it makes me nervous that Mori would have more high expectations of me. He already does, but it feels more real now. I'm scared. I don't want to kill people. It doesn't feel right."

"Then don't do it. It's that simple. You have not been killing people ever since you joined the Port Mafia and you made it very clear that you don't want to, so Mori isn't going to force his hand. I will at least make sure of that."

"Thanks Auntie, but it's not going to change anything. Mori just keeps me around because of you, Paul, and Dad. He can kill me at any time and make it look like it wasn't him, but he knows that you guys will figure it out in the end and probably turn against him."

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