Kaitlyn's First Christmas at the Port Mafia

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The Port Mafia was never lively when it came to Christmas and it was always so quiet. Nobody did anything to celebrate it. Kaitlyn had just joined the Port Mafia with Chuuya a few months before Christmas and there were no decorations or anything to celebrate the lively holiday. She had to fix this right away!

Kaitlyn walked up to the two men that were guarding Jenna's door. "Hello good sirs!" She smiled brightly at both of them, but they just stood there saying nothing and made no movement to acknowledge her. "Hello?" She waved her hands in front of both their faces, but still nothing. She put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. "May I go in and see Jenna at least?" The door then slid open. She looked at both men. "You both are weird fellows," she said before she walked into the very pink room. This room is actually one of the only colorful places in the Port Mafia.

"Kaitlyn!" Jenna jumped up happily when she saw her friend.

"Hi Jenna." Kaitlyn went over to her and gave her a hug. "I need your help." She got all serious so quickly that it shocked Jenna.

"What's wrong Kaitlyn?" Her eyes grew wide. "Did you already commit a murder?"

The Nakahara girl cringed. "What? No." She shook her head. "The Port Mafia doesn't know how to get into the Christmas spirit!" She threw her hands up in the air.

The younger girl tilted her head then looked around her room. "I think it's pretty festive here." She shrugged. There was only a little pink tree in the corner of her room. "My dad always gets me something for Christmas as well!" She beamed.

"What about Santa Claus?"

"Who's that?"

Kaitlyn gasped in horror. "You don't know Santa Claus!?" She shook her head no. "How could you not know the Jolly Old Fat Man!? He's the man that travels around the world to give presents to kids of all ages! He's one of the most magical beings out there! He's practically a celebrity!"

"Woah!" Jenna's eyes sparkled with wonder. "Is there a way for us to meet him?"

"Yes there is! We can find him at the mall!"

"But how will we get there?" The brunette frowned. "I'm not allowed to leave my room."

"Leave it to me my dear Jenna!" The older of the two put her fists on her hips and posed like a superhero would. "I'll get us to the mall to get our Christmas supplies and to meet the great Saint Nick!"

"I thought we were seeing Santa?"

"Saint Nick is another name for Santa Jenna."

"Ooohh..." She nodded.

"Anyway, let's go ahead on our Christmas adventure!"

Both girls had finally made it to the mall. No one was really paying attention to them, so it was easy to slip out and walk all the way to the mall without any casualties.

"That was easier than I thought." Kaitlyn nodded in approval. "I thought we would have been caught for sure."

"What the heck Kaitlyn?" Jenna shook her head. "You should have more hope in us."

All she did was shrug. "Jenna, we're not masterminds. We're ten year olds that have no clue what we are doing. If only we had someone that was smart, and possibly a chaos bringer, then we could get away with things much easier. We just got lucky this time."

"Why do you think a chaos bringer would be beneficial to us?" Jenna got nervous at the idea of being involved with someone that caused chaos.

"Because they know how to get away with things. At least sometimes." She giggled. "Plus, don't you think our lives would be more interesting if we were friends with someone so chaotic?"

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