New Years

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It was New Year's Eve. Also known as, Chuuya Getting Extra Drunk Day. It was one of the days that Kaitlyn dreads. Why is that? Well, she has to deal with her extra drunk father. Chuuya may get drunk on almost a daily basis, but New Years is where it hits hard.

"Dad," Kaitlyn walks up to her, for now, sober father that was busy doing work at his desk.

Chuuya looked up at his daughter. "What is it Kaitlyn? I'm busy with work right now and I want to get it done now so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," Kaitlyn confessed.

Chuuya looked at her like she had grown two heads. "What do you mean by that?"

"Can you cool it down with the drinking tonight? I know it's new years eve and all that, but I don't want you doing something that you might regret. I also don't want to deal with it tonight. It might be funny sometimes, but your extra drunk self isn't a party."

"Kaitlyn, I'll be fine," Chuuya reassured.

"Will you actually be though?" Kaitlyn's face scrunched into a concerned one.

"Yes I will. Stop nagging me about it. I'm the parent here, not you, so stop worrying about me and just get excited for tonight because you will be hanging out with Jenna and Athina."

"And the rest of the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency. Did you forget about that part dad?" Kaitlyn smirked and Chuuya's face went into one of disgust.

"Don't remind me that I have to spend a whole night with that shitty Dazai," he grumbled.

"That's the spirit dad," Kaitlyn chuckled and walked out of her dad's office so that he could continue his work before the New Years Eve party. It was going to be one hell of a night.

"You weren't kidding when you said that your dad gets more drunk than usual, Kaitlyn." Athina looked at the short ginger man up and down. "That's going to be one hell of a hangover that he'll have to deal with tomorrow."

Kaitlyn blew a piece of her hair out of her face in a bit of annoyance. "I told him that he should really watch his drinking tonight, but he obviously didn't listen to me."

"I honestly thought you were over exaggerating Kaitlyn, but no. You were not wrong," Jenna had a weird expression on her face. It was unreadable, but nobody was really paying attention to it because the three girls just had their eyes on the very drunk Chuuya.

"We literally got here two hours ago and he's in this state. We have three more hours of this and I don't think that he's going to make it until midnight," Kaitlyn told her friends.

"We got to do something about this," Jenna said to the two.

"Nah, this is honestly very entertaining to watch," Athina said. "I'm curious about what will happen next."

"Not going to lie, same," Kaitlyn laughed nervously.

Jenna sweatdropped. "Bu-but-"

"Jenna, this is my dad we're talking about. His wise words that he had told me earlier today were, "Kaitlyn, I'll be fine. I'm the parent here, not you." And yeah. His words, not mine." Kaitlyn mimicked her dad's words from earlier.

"Whatever you say Kaitlyn," Jenna looked at the short man nervously.

It was ten minutes till midnight. Surprisingly Chuuya was able to make it, but there were many incidents that the three girls had run into. For example, they had caught Chuuya being on the edge of the window sill and him singing 'I Believe I Can Fly', which at that moment he could not because of how drunk he was. Kaitlyn had to save him with her gravity ability. Another incident was him almost making out with Kunikida. Kaitlyn had never seen herself move so fast in her life. She had to get her dad away from the ex math teacher.

On the sidelines of this whole mess was Dazai. He was really enjoying himself and watching these scenes with Chuuya. "Oh Chuuya~ you drunk chibi." Dazai smirked. He was pretty drunk himself, but he wasn't as bad as Chuuya.

Kaitlyn was breathing heavily. Her hands were on her knees and she was looking down at the floor.

"Out of all the things that Chuuya had done tonight, almost making out with Kunikida was definitely something I didn't expect," Athina said and walked up to her exhausted friend with a worried looking Jenna.

"Do you need water or something Kaitlyn?" Jenna asked.

All Kaitlyn did was nod. Jenna walked away to get her friend some water.

"Oh my god." Athina's eyes widened.

"What now?" Kaitlyn literally wanted to cry. She did not want to stop her dad from jumping out of a window for the tenth time. Yeah, he already tried to do that nine other times before.


The countdown for the new year started to begin.


"You're not going to believe what I'm looking at Kaitlyn."


"If he's on the window sill again then I will believe it."


"It's not that." Athina shook her head and Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow at her.


"Here you go Kaitlyn. I'm going to go over to Akutagawa now since it's the countdown," Jenna handed her the water and skipped off to find her boyfriend. Athina didn't stop her because what she was staring at was just too amazing to miss.


"Thanks Jenna. Have fun making out with Akutagawa," Kaitlyn said.


"Athina, just tell me what you're looking at. Geez."


"Turn around Kaitlyn and you'll know."


Kaitlyn turned around and her eyes widened at what she was looking at with Athina.


It was Chuuya and Dazai. Together.

"Happy New Year!" Everyone cheered and then went in to kiss their girlfriends and boyfriends. Athina and Kaitlyn didn't yell out Happy New Year though. They were too busy looking at this glorious thing in front of the two.

Chuuya and Dazai were kissing. And that was the greatest start to Kaitlyn's New Year.

"Want to stay over at my place with Jenna?" Kaitlyn asked. "I have a feeling, from the way they're going at it, you won't be able to stay at your place tonight."

"Oh, I will take up that offer," Athina agreed. "I have a feeling that it will be the safest place to go tonight."

"Yeah," Kaitlyn's voice went high pitched. "Let's go get Jenna."

And that's what they did. First they had to take a picture though. They got Jenna and went to Kaitlyn's place with Paul, he was only a little tipsy. Athina and Kaitlyn explained everything to Jenna and showed her the picture of the two men kissing.

"My dad is definitely going to freak when he wakes up," Kaitlyn snorted. "But that's what he gets for getting so drunk to do that."

"Oh poor Chuuya," Athina chuckled. "That man is not going to be shown any mercy tonight."

"Athina!" Jenna's cheeks heated up at the thought of what both her and Kaitlyn's dad could be doing in her and Athina's home.

The next day, Kaitlyn, Jenna, and Athina swore that they heard two high pitched screams from the other side of Yokohama.  

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