Dazai Kidnapped

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Kaitlyn was confused at what she was looking at, but also very intrigued. Dazai Osamu was chained up to the wall and Chuuya had his hand near his head and he was holding onto his collar.

"Well, ain't this the gayest shit I have ever seen," Kaitlyn mumbled.

"To be honest I thought Osamu would have been the top in this relationship," a girl with Gucci glasses said, which made Kaitlyn jump out of nowhere.

"Da fuck-"

"I can't believe what I'm seeing," a shorter girl came out of nowhere, which made Kaitlyn jump again.

"Where are you people coming from!?" She yelled. This got the two men's attention.

"Kaitlyn-" Chuuya's face started to turn red in embarrassment.

"Sorry to interrupt your spicy time. Don't worry we won't judge your kink, we'll be leaving now so you can continue," the taller girl told them.

Dazai smirked at Chuuya and the smaller redhead wanted to die right then and there.

After the realization hit of who is placed where, Kaitlyn's eyes widened. "Dazai! I thought you were the top in your guy's relationship!" Kaitlyn glared and pouted at the chained up man. "I had so much hope for you." she shook her head in disappointment.

Jenna blushes, looking away shamefully, "I can't believe you're gay dad... I didn't know."

The youngest snorts. "The signs were obvious."

"Wait- who are you two?" Kaitlyn stopped the whole exposing Chuuya and Dazai thing and went to the important, who were these two girls?

"Athina Oda," the taller girl adjusts her glasses.

"Jenna Dazai, nice to meet you," the shorter girl smiled brightly.

"Wait- Jenna!?" Kaitlyn's eyes widened at the mention of her old friend's name.

Jenna looked over at Kaitlyn and her eyes widened. "Kaitlyn?"

"Oh my god Jenna!" Kaitlyn squealed and brought the girl into a hug, which the other girl returned. "It's so good to see you again!"

"Omg yes!"

"Who the fuck is this girl Jenna?" Athina asked her sister.

"This is Kaitlyn Nakahara," Jenna introduced the girl.

"Sup," Kaitlyn threw up a peace sign. That was a cringy sight to behold.

Athina just shook it off and turned back to the two men, who were still in their position. "Soooo..." she wiggles her eyebrows and smirks. "Please do tell us what is going on here."

"Nothing is going on here!" Chuuya starts to deny. "Kaitlyn! Keep those thoughts out and-" Kaitlyn snaps a picture.

"And send." She pressed send. That picture of both Dazai and Chuuya got sent to all the Port Mafia members and there was nothing that could be done about it.

"You are evil and I like it," Athina pats Kaitlyn's shoulder and gives her a nod of approval.

"Thank you Athina," Kaitlyn said to the girl.

"What the fuck did you do, Kaitlyn!?" Chuuya screamed, now pulling his hair.

"I let everybody know that you're fucking with the prisoner. Wasn't that obvious?" Chuuya's face went even more red at what Kaitlyn just said.

"Chuuya~" Dazai spoke up. "You know it's not polite to keep you prisoner waiting on you~"

"Shut up you bastard! There was nothing going on down here, so just shut up!"

"I don't know what he is talking about girls," Dazai shook his head in disappointment. "We were about to go into action until you three showed up. I'm so sorry to have hurt your poor innocent eyes," the taller man acted all dramatic and that's what really pissed the short ginger off.

"Kaitlyn I swear if you-" he paused at what he was looking at. Kaitlyn was holding up her phone and it was pointed at him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm recording the proof that you and Dazai are having a fling," Kaitlyn admitted. "I knew I thought that I heard something coming from the living room and I knew to trust my instincts to stay upstairs. You guys were so fucking the other day and were about to do it again down in ths prison."

"Damn Chuuya," Athina laughed. "I didn't expect you to do it in your own house if you wanted to keep this a secret."

"That would explain why dad wasn't home the other day," Jenna's face turned a bit red at the thought of her dad and Chuuya having sex.

"I swear to god I will murder you all," Chuuya clenched his teeth.

"Oh dad, you're just in denial," Kaitlyn crossed her arms. "Just own up to you being gay. You may have had sex with a woman to have me, but that was just you trying to prove that you were "straight" even though everyone in this room knows the truth."

"Has this just turned into a coming out special chapter?" Jenna questioned.

"Jenna, stop breaking the fourth-wall," Athina nudged her to be quiet. "That's my job."

"A what now?" Chuuya was confused at what Jenna meant.

"That's not important right now, okay?" Kaitlyn pointed at Chuuya. "You're gay, so just own up to it!"

"I-I'm not g-gay," Chuuya stuttered a bit.

"Your stutter says otherwise," Jenna mumbled under her breath.

Athina sighed. She walked up to Chuuya. Looking down on him, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay if your gay Chuuya and like having sex with Osamu." She does the hand flick. "We support you and your relationship, so it's okay."

"This is a judge free zone dad, so it's okay. I know it's scary to come out and all that, but just so you know, we will all still love you," the girl with the hat smiled sweetly.

Chuuya was silent for a while. His face was still beat red and was probably contemplating on what to say. He then finally spoke. "I'm not gay."

Kaitlyn threw her hands up. "And what was all that sentimental bull shit for!?"

"I don't know, but at least he knows that we support him," Jenna shrugged.

Athina just hand flicked. "Let's leave these two love birds alone."

"We are not love birds! I would never, in my god damn life, fuck or have sex with this bastard!" Chuuya yelled out to the girls, who were now leaving.

"You didn't say that last night Chuuya~" Dazai teased in a seductive tone.


And that was the last time the Primary Trio has ever heard from Dazai Osamu ever again...    

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