Kaitlyn's Time At Jenna's School

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Kaitlyn had nothing to do today. It was a Monday morning and her dad was still sleeping. 'Maybe I could call Jenna and see if she's free.' Kaitlyn had thought to herself. So, that's exactly what she had done.

"Hey Jenna!" Kaitly says joyfully.

"Kaitlyn, why are you calling me?" Jenna said in a bit of a miserable voice.

"Why do you seem so upset?"

"I'm sorry for my grumpy mood Kaitlyn, but I'm on my way to school right now, so I'm not in the best of moods."

"School?" Kaitlyn tilts her head in interest. She has heard of school, yes, but she has never been in one, nor has had the experience of learning from one.

"Yes, school Kaitlyn. A place where you go to learn."

"I know what school is Jenna!" Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. "I've just never been to one before. And I've always wanted to experience school, but my dad and Paul didn't want me to because they were afraid that my corruption could take over when I'm there, but I don't believe it!" The girl with the round glasses pouted.

"Kaitlyn, considering the type of people at school, I wouldn't blame Chuuya and Paul for keeping you home and never introducing school to you like that. Plus, school is not as fun as you would think."



"Hey Jenna?" A smirk pulled at Kaitlyn's lips. "What is your school called by the way?"

"Why?" Jenna seemed a bit nervous on the other side of the phone, but Kaitlyn just shook it off.

"I was just wondering what it was called," Kaitlyn shrugged and acted innocent. "I mean, I've never known what your school was called and I was always curious."

Jenna was quiet on the other end for a while until she let out a sigh and told her, "My school is called Yokohama High School. Happy now?"

"Very!" Kaitlyn smiles brightly. "Thank you Jenna! Bye!" And she hangs up. Kaitlyn was smiling brightly at the new information and decided to go get ready, since she was still in her pajamas.

Kaitlyn decided to wear her iconic hat(obviously), a short sleeved white collared shirt with an oversize dark grey jean jacket, black leggings, black knee high boots, black gloves, like what her dad would normally wear, and a golden tie. She decided to keep her hair down for the day, she also decided to just put lip balm on and did her classic spades on both her cheeks and started to head out the door before she got stopped by a groggy voice.

"Where do you think you're going Kaitlyn?" Kaitlyn turned around to see her dad, Chuuya, with his bedhead of hair.

"Hey dad," she started out a bit nervously. She knew that she was bad at lying and that her dad would never approve of this. "I'm going nowhere," Kaitlyn brushed off.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Because I'm obviously going somewhere, but I'm just not going to tell you."

"I guess you're right," he shrugged. "I'm going into the office today, so make sure that you don't do anything stupid while you're out."

"Okay dad! Bye!" And Kaitlyn has then gone to the school.

When Kaitlyn finally got to Yokohama High she walked in to see something so beautiful. What she saw was a big statue of a fish, a salmon to be more specific. "It's so beautiful," Kaitlyn's eyes sparkle in awe.

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