Kunikida Reacts To Jenna & Akutagawa's Relationship

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It was just a normal day at the Armed Detective Agency. Ranpo was eating his candy, Kunikida was deep into his work, Dazai was nowhere to be found, Atsushi was stressed out with paperwork, Yosano was in her separate office performing her ability on poor Jun'ichiro and others were just moseying around the office. Well, except for Athina and Jenna. The two were currently wrapped up in a separate conversation, slacking on their own work.

"Jenna, don't answer that!!" Athina yanked the shorter girl's phone out of her hand.

"But Athinaaa!! If I don't answer soon he'll think I'm ignoring him!"

"But if you answer too quickly, you'll look desperate. Do you wish to bring shame on (y)our family's name woman?!?" Jenna slumped back into her chair with an "ugh" expression.


Athina looked down at Jenna's notification. She gasped. "BRO WHAT?!?!" Jenna jumped out of her chair and almost jumped across the desk to see what Athina was looking at.

"What?!? What happened?!?!"

"This damn sickly boi's gonna be the death of us all!!" Athina turned the phone screen, and a text message popped up.

From HOT EMO IN PM ANSWER THIS CALL/TEXT JENNA: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

"OH MY GOD!!" Jenna's face turned bright red and Athina could've sworn steam was coming out of her ears. "What should I say??"

"Obviously no. Reject him! Make his heart bleed!"

"But I can't do that! We just recently started to date. Is it normal to go out for dinner just the two of us so late at night?" Jenna then felt the presence of another person behind her.

"Not without meeting the family first." Kunikida said, joining the conversation. "I take it you two are finished with your work?" The girls sweatdropped and avoided eye contact. "Uh-huh. That's what I thought. What's got you two wrapped up in such commotion anyway?"


Kunikida lifted a brow and took the pink-cased phone laying face down on the desk. "Oh no- Uncle Kunikida don't-"

"Who the hell is 'hot emo... 'pee-em' boy???" Athina almost choked from laughter while Jenna was a stuttering mess.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ranpo butted into the conversation. "Jenna's got a..."

"Ranpo-san don't say it!" Jenna pleaded.

"Boyfriend." the detective smirked, laughing "evilly" as he watched Kunikida's reaction. His expression went blank and he blinked a few times, taking in what Ranpo stated before scoffing.

"Tch. Nice try, Ranpo. But that can't be true. Jenna would never date a guy who asked her out at such a late and unsafe hour. It's ungentlemanly." Athina wheezed.

"He just called your boyfriend ungentlemanly- HAHAHAHAA!!"

"Oh no, it's true, Kunikida! My ultra deductive skills caught this information a while back!" Ranpo leaned on the blonde man, making him sweatdrop.

"... is this true, Jenna?"

"...uh... yes..."

"WHAT?!?" Kunikida's loud voice blew Jenna's hair back. "Has Dazai met him?!" Jenna took a sharp breath in.

"Well... yes. But not how you think-"

"I demand to meet him as well. He says he wants to take you to dinner tonight? Fine. But tell him your uncle will be tagging along."

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