Chapter 52

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Lando pov

The room was quiet. Sierra was asleep and I was just sat there making sure she and Ella where okay. Beeping from the machine started going off in the room and I looked at machine and I could see the heart monitor was going down. I pressed a button for the nurses and doctors to come.

She had flatlined. My heart my was facing and I didn't know what to do. I had been asked to leave the room while they did whatever they was doing.

I begin to pace up and down. Not knowing what's going on or if Ella was okay.  I look at the doctors and nurses who where running in and out of the room. I tried asking questions but every time I did they'd just ignore me.

I had a lump in my throat and I knew.. I knew whatever it happening none of could be good. I felt it in my stomach.
After a whole a nurse came out to me and she looked at me and shook her head. "I'm so sorry Mr Norris... We think she passed from severe bleeding that we thought we had stopped. I'm so sorry" she says and world it just freezes my head drops and feels like it's been shattered into millions of pieces.

"No you're lying she's put you up to this. Please tell me this some sort of sick joke. She can't leave me. Not now. She can't leave me and Sierra" the tear that had been forming begin to fall.

"I'm sorry" she says before walking off.

I drop to me knees and I begin to sob. My world felt like it was finally together now that Sierra was here but now it feels like it's all been ripped from me with the matter of a few hours. My angel, my princess, my babygirl was gone. How am I going to do this by myself I cant-

I walk into the room and the tears are just free flow. They'd put the blanket over her face so I take it off her. I look down at her and just sobbed harder.

I took her hand it was cold.. so so cold but even in death my girl looked amazing. "We promised each other forever El what happened. I can't do this by myself please don't leave.. don't leave me alone please don't leave Sierra she's going to need her mother. Everything we had planned, taking her on holidays, teaching her Spanish, her first step her first words all of it your going to miss it all." I gasp my heart breaking lore and my throat tightening.

"You promised me Ella. I don't even get to put a ring on on your finger. We had so much time left. We had our whole lives. I" it was beginning ti get hard to breath and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why would you do this to us Ella! We was so god damn happy! I had a before you and during you I don't want to have to have an after you! I need you!! I can't live this life with out princess!" I keep talking.

She was so cold like a cold frosty foggy morning and how I wanted this all to be a dream. I stare down at her and moves some hair out of her face the tears just falling and not stopping.

"I love you. I always will nothing will ever change that. It'll just be me and Sierra and I promise you. I promise you know I'll keep her safe and always always be talking about how amazing her mommy was and how much you love you"

"Until we meet again my love" I sob as I kiss her even though she's stone cold. I walk out the room and sit down and start making the calls I need to make. Breaking down each time I did the calls.

Walking into the baby room where Sierra was I looked down at her and picked her up putting her in the baby car seat thing and made sure she was strapped in... "Just you and me now my angel"

The sun rise was glowing brightly. The sky beautiful and I knew. I knew she had lit the sky for us....

{I'm not crying you are...}

The Unintentional Attachment {Lando Norris}Where stories live. Discover now