Chapter 25

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Ella's pov

After all the congratulations where in we all decided to head back to the hotel and get ourselves sorted out for tonight. Everyone is going out which should be fun.

Me, Charlotte and isa are in the room getting ready. I'm still not feeling to good but I didn't want to let lando down and be there for him so I just put it to the back of my mind. I get a smell of something that I can't put my finger on and the sudden need to throw up hits. I run to the bathroom and start throwing up. What the fuck is going on with me.

Charlotte and isa walk into the bathroom again and starts rubbing back and holding my hair back. Isa speaks up "okay El I'm saying this as your friend okay? You seriously need to to take a test okay? Especially with us going out tonight..." she rubs my back and sighs.

"Ella she's right you know? You need to take a test just so you know what is going on okay? And if you aren't pregnant then we are talking you to the hospital okay?" Charlotte adds in

These two girls are seriously like the older sisters I've never had before. I sigh and turn to look at them leaning against the bathroom. I just nod at them.

"Okay okay.. I'm gonna run to the 24 hour pharmacy okay and get some digital blue test okay? Isa you stay here I won't be long carry on getting ready though" Charlotte says and smiles a little kissing my head and leaving the room.

I stand up and walking to the bedroom slowly.  "What am I gonna do isa? I can't have a baby I'm 19. What if- what if lando doesn't want a baby yet or ever?! We've only just got together basically..."

Isa walks over to me and puts a hand on my cheek and hugs me "we will deal with that when it comes to it okay. If you are pregnant you've got everyone behind you even if lando doesn't stick around but I can see the way he looks at you El.. that boy is in love with you so i know for sure that boy isn't going anywhere okay?"

"I- okay thank you isa seriously I appreciate you so much" I mumbles and start getting ready so does isa.


A little later on Charlotte finally arrived back and my nervous are so high. I look at the two and sigh. "Here goes nothing hm?" I say

Isa speak from outside the door "it'll all be okay Ella!"

I sigh and take 3 tests just so I don't have an doubt about it. I sit there for 5 minuets waiting for the results. Going through a range of emotions- nervous, scared, wanting to crying... maybe even a little excitement.

My timer goes off and I flip them over and look at them and my heart drops and tears fall down my cheeks. I-I'm... I walk out of the bathroom with the test in my hand and just not my head.

"I'm- im pregnant, I'm seriously having a baby.. what am I going to do" I cry sitting down on the bed with my head in my hands.

They both rush over and hug me. "Shh it's gonna be okay you options" Charlotte says

"Yeah- like adoption or abortion" isa says quietly

I look at them and shake my head. "I'm not getting rid of my baby not a chance." I sniffle "maybe this baby is my second chance" i sniffle again and the tears keep falling.. "what if I can't do it though? What if I can't be the mom the baby needs and deserve"

Charlotte looks at me and wipes my tears. "You listen to me young Lany, you will be the most amazing mother ever. This baby with love you just like you will it unconditionally. Even if this baby isn't planned it happened for a reason okay? Lando will be so made up when he finds out maybe shocked but really happy I promise you this now. I've seen how he is with Kelly's daughter and he's amazing. Also how his with his brother kids. You'll both be amazing parents!"

I look at her and nods. "Thank you bAb seriously thank you.. That means everything. God I don't know how to even tell him" I sigh

Isa smiles at me "you'll figure it out bab, you always do. Now get sorted even if you're only drinking water. We have another reason to celebrate tonight" she kisses my head and that's what we do we get sorted and meet the lads and then head out to meet up with everyone.

The night goes perfect and we all end up back at the hotel safe and sound. Nobody really questioned why I wasn't drinking tonight everyone just made sure they had a drink for me.

Me and lando were back in his hotel room in bed cuddling. His arms over my stomach and all I could think about was the baby inside my. I smile softly and close my eyes

"Goodnight babygirl"  he says softly kissing my head and holding me close.

"Goodnight amoré" I say before sleep takes over to me and a sleep filled with dreams of my own little family.

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