Chapter 49

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Ella's pov

I woke to the sound of someone coming in the room. I lift my head slowly to see a nurse who was coming to check on him. I sit up slowly and look at her and give her a tight lipped smiles.

"Morning" I whispered as I looked at and glances at lando who still hasn't woken up or show signs or any movement.

"Goodmorning dear, I'm sorry i didn't think anyone was in here. We don't usually allow-" she glances at my stomach and smile softy "oh congratulations on her daddy is really mommy a scare hm?"

"No that's quite okay and yeah I know I guess the nurse on the reception felt sorry for me.. thank you- yeah you can say. I just need to him wake up. We need him" I say whispering the last part.

"He will, I'm sure of it. He strong, I can see it. Especially with you by his side, you make him a hell of lot stronger" she smiles softly at me. She carries in checking a few things beifre she turns and looks at me. "I'm gonna get you a blanket and some pillows because I have a feeling you won't be leaving at all."

"You can say that again. I'm not leaving till he's leaving me so he better hurry up because these chairs aren't the comfiest for a pregnant woman" I chuckle a little trying to lighten the mood but even the chuckle was fake.

She just smiles and nods. "If you ever just want to get in bed with him You can, I know he knows your here. Keep talking to him it may bring back to us a lot soon" she smiles and nod as she walks out to get the stuff for me.

A few hours pass and still there's no change. I keep praying to god that he'll wake up or I'll wake up and all just be a dream. We had a planned, no we have plan we are going to have this baby at some get engaged then plan a wedding and grow old together. He can't leave me yet,

I place my head softly on his cheek and I just rub my thumb against him. "por favor, por favor vuelve a mí" I say quietly and kiss his head.

The door opens and his mom and dad walk in. I smile at them and walk over to them and give them both a hug.

"How are you darling?" His mom ask and by the look in her she didn't sleep very much.

"I-I'm okay as I can be if I'm honest. I just keep waiting and hoping that he'll pull through and come back to us but as of right now he isn't having any of it" I say softly as I move so they can sit down.

"He'll pull through Ella, he's strong.. He's got this" his dad says with a little smile and sigh quietly. "I know our son, I know he won't leave only the girl he's ever properly loved and he definitely won't leave the baby growing inside you. Not this close to end" he says with a smile and nods.

"I sure hope not. We need him, I keep telling everyone I can't do this with out but it's true. I need him" I say softly..

They both look at me with sad eyes and then smile a little. "He'll pull through darlin I'm sure." His mom says

I nod and look at them both. "I'm gonna go get myself a decaf coffee and try and get something eat. I'll be back as soon as possible" I smile at them both as they nod.

"You don't need to rush back honey even if anything does change we will let him know you're here. Take your time and make sure you get something proper to eat. That baby needs the food and so do you"  his mom says again with a little nod before turning back to lando and holding his hand.

Sitting in the little cafeteria trying eat my food and I never turn down food but wow I really can't stomach it. My phone starts ringing and looks at the caller id,

I answer it and sigh. "Hello?"

"Hey Ells I'm just checking in to see if anything has changed and to see generally how you are?" He says down the phone.

"No nothing new as of now I'm really hoping something changes soon, I feel like I'm going out my mind. His mom and dad are with him right now so I just thought I'd let have some time." I say quietly and lean my head on hand.

"Yeah Carlos said you stayed over night. You really should be sleeping in bed though Ella it's not good on. Especially being pregnant" he says

"I'm fine. I'm not leaving his side till he's awake and even then I'm not leaving his side. He needs me and he comes first right now." I say rubbing my stomach as the baby moves.

"I get that... I do but seriously you need make sure you're okay too promise me? And I'll call you in a little bit okay?" He says.

"Mhm yeah I promise and okay I'll talk to you soon." I say before ending the call.

I finish eating and grab my water and start walking back to the room. I get a pain in my side but I just ignore it. The baby has most probably just put their food or something in the wrong place. I sigh and sits outside the room not wanting to disturb them and just to give them some time alone.
A few hours pass and thankfully fell asleep. I sigh wuieky as I say goodbye to his mom and dad and I'll see them tomorrow. I walk into the room and go and take my seat and take his hand.

"We've done enough waiting now baby... we need to to wake up. You're parents or worried sick. I'm worried sick. Please for the love of god just wake up." I say make sure he can hear me.

I tell him about the race and what went down and who won't who didn't finish that sort of thing.

The Unintentional Attachment {Lando Norris}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz