Chapter 51

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{3 weeks later}

Ella's pov

I woke after feeling Wetness between my legs. There's no way I've just wet myself not a chance then suddenly I start getting shooting pains. I lift the blanket up and my eyes widen. "Oh my god" I mumble to myself.

"Lando, baby wake up" I shake him to try and wake him up. "Lando you need to wake up now, we need to go to hospital the baby, she's ready" I say and shake him

"Hmm just 5 more minutes" he grumbles pulling the blanket over his head.

"Lando we don't have 5 more minutes! Get your god damn ass up. The baby is ready to make her debut in the world! Now get up!" The pain hitting me gets worse with each contraction.

Lando shoot up out of bed and looks at me. His hair a mess but his eyes wide and staring me. "She's actually coming? She ready?" She says

"Yes baby. Now get dressed quickly we need to go now. By the feel of it I don't think she's waiting for anyone." I say trying to laugh through the pain that kept sticking me.

I quickly decided to get myself changed as lando for the same and look at him. He picks up the baby bag plus my bag and walks over to me and kisses my head and taking my hand he leads me out the house and to the car. He helps me and shuts the door.

I keep taking deep breaths through my nose and letting them out through my mouth this pain is something different I'm telling you.


At the hospital we had checked in and I was now in the labour ward and in intense pain. My midwife checked me and told me I was already 7 cm dilated.

"She really wants out of there doesn't she? I think she's ready to meet her mommy and daddy" my midwife Lauren says with a smile.

"Tell me about it. If this pain is bad I'm scared for what's it's going to be like when I've  got to push her out." I say while whining through the pain.

"Once she's here you'll forget all about it I promise you. I've had 3 and honestly the pain just vanishes" she says with a smile as she had look at the machine.


Lando take my hand and kisses my head "you've got this angel, I promise you and when she's here I promise you this I'm going to protect you both and make sure you're both happy and healthy until my very last day" he says and moves some hair out my face.

"It hurts lan, it really hurts!" I say well sort of shout... "this is your fault you did this me! I'm never doing this again mr" my eyes water as I look up at him and begin to push as the Lauren tells me to.

"I know I'm sorry baby, but it takes two to tango remember" he grins and me and just slap his arm.

"Your a dick you know that right? You god damn lucky I love you" I hiss out as I squeeze his hand tighter.

"I can't do this, I can't push anymore it hurts way to much. All fun and games creating this human but getting out of me is another ball game" I say trying to get myself through the pain.

Lando just laughs at me and shakes his head. "It's not funny! Stop laughing at me lando Norris! You try sitting here be in labour for god knows how many hours and push a baby out of you!" I glare at him and he just shuts up grinning at me still.

"God I hate you" I mumble and continue pushing

"No you don't you love me and I love you and I can't be more proud of you" he pecks lips.


The sound of a babies cry begins to fill the room and I look up lando and the tear in his eye have now fallen after watching our daughter be born. He looks down at me and kisses me.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl, I'm so so proud of you" he mumbles into the kiss before he taken to cut the cord.

My tears are falling as I watch and ask the nurse to take some photos of him doing it. After all the stress, the pain, the excitement out little princess is was finally.

Lando walks back to me as the nurse brings the baby over and places her on me for skin to skin contact. I look down at her and wow she was perfect the tears fall and that's when I knew.... I was always mean to have to life none of this was a mistake.

"She's perfect baby, she is really really perfect." Lando says through his sniffles.

I look up at him and pull him closer and kisses him softly. "She's got your nose" I say softly as I look down at her.

"She's got my amazing lips too if I don't say so myself" lando chuckles as his kisses her head softly.

"That she does baby, that she does" I mumbles

Lando look down at Sierra and he was just smiling. He looked so happy and just full of contentment. "You're gonna be a daddies girl but shh don't tell mama she won't be happy" I hear him whisper to her before he looks at me and I just smile at him.

"I love you lando Norris always forever never forget that" I say weakly

He looks at me and smiles. "I love you Ella rose sanchez and don't you ever forget that" he says softly before looking down at our little princess.

After a while I was beginning to get tired and just wanting to sleep. Lando had hold of Sierra I smiles as I watched the pair. Darkness slowly taking over my body....

The Unintentional Attachment {Lando Norris}Where stories live. Discover now