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Sa na bitin? this scene seriously contains violence.

You have been warned :)


She took out her dagger and the pistol on her hand, with a raging phase she sprinted to enter the dug out. Three E.C soldier was on her way straight on the fight ground. This time it's time to kill.

Alyssa's eyes change it's shade. A thrill to kill, for the enemy ahead mercy is out of the widow for alyssa mercy is out of the question. The E.C Army is trained to never give out mercy to their opponent and now against three, in deed she will not hold back.

Bullets fired upon her, she quickly move her feet avoiding each bullet, sprinting to a zig zag direction but still heading towards them as she was near the three soldiers alyssa then immediately jump over their heads with a double front flip. She landed on her feet with her back against them.

No doubt the soldier against her was surprised. This would be a different scenario for them, they are fighting their very own and not just an ordinary soldier. A soldier that actually introduce the words of no mercy.

The soldier in the middle was about to turn his back to shoot her when he face her his eyes widened the next thing he felt was an immediate sting and then numbness, his thinking was fading his heart slowly stop pumping and only one eye could see a little. Alyssa just stab the soldier in the middle in his left eye. He was kneeling now on the ground finding it hard to breath.

A class A soldier with deadly assassin skills should never be underestimated. That assassin can create such creative ways to kill you.

Alyssa quickly fired on the back of the knees of the other two soldiers. Now all three was kneeling. She place her pistol on the solider's head on her right and just pulled the trigger, immediately blood and his bits of brain came contact on the ground. While the other soldier on the left tried to fight he was about to grab alyssa's arm but instead alyssa just twisted his arm and broke it. Hearing a loud cracked he screamed.

Soldier: Argh!! Arg———

Alyssa quickly made that soldier screaming shut his mouth. In a split second she took out the dagger from the soldier's eye in the middle, when she took out her dagger from his eye blood quickly flowed like just the raging rapids and finally that soldier was now lying on his own blood, lifeless. Not a moment to waste alyssa stab her dagger to the soldiers head and instantly took it out of him. All three lifeless.

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