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Thank you to all my readers, i am so grateful of all of you. Continue spreading the word on Lions story and a big ShoutOut to ya'll for getting
Him: Mr Redello (book 1) on 35K+ Reads, thank you so so so much.

I posted the 1st insert of

Make sure you check it out, i am still busy cooking it as we speak, I'm on Insert 12 of the novel so i will try to not procrastinate and post inserts as much as i can. I am so grateful of all of you sending shoutOuts, texting me, sending me money for entertaining you😭🤣 (even tho you don't have to) and just loving my work. You guys are the reason i keep going. 💋🤍

-Mbalenhleyothando C. Zwane🤍💋

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