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The trip to Maldives was great. Obviously it got ruined by childish stuff but eventually everyone made me happy again.

Me: (breathes heavily)
Promise: just breathe Mama, breathe.
Me: (crying) Ahh, these babies are gonna be the death of me….
Ma: (wipes my tears) shhh… just breathe Mama.

Water birth has been something I have been looking into since I found out I was pregnant.

Nurse: mhh, 8cm dilated
Me: (looks up) mhh, just get them out please.
Promise: the twins are ready for us, just hold on.
Me: (pushes) ahhh…

I look at Ma.

Me: ma, I’m gonna kill your son after this.
Ma: (nods)
Me: when he comes back… (pushes) ahh…
Nurse: okay, (touch me) push Mama.
Me: (Pushes) ahhh… (breathe heavily)
Promise: yes baby, again.
Me: (breathe heavily) ahhhh (cries)
Mom: Mpumi, push..
Me: its sore, (cries) what was I thinking Mama. (Pushes) ahhh…
Nurse: got the head… push mama. Last push.
Me: (pushes) ahhhh


Mom: ahh baby, your son is here.
Baby boy: (crying)
Me: (cries)
Nurse 2: okay, the girl is ready.
Promise: push baby. Push
Me: (pushes) ahhh…
Nurse 2: again Mama.
Me: (breathing heavily) ahhhh (pushes)
Promise: uuuhh, she has got one big head.
Me: (smiles)
Nurse 2: push for the last time.
Mom: gimme a big push baby.
Me: (pushes) ahhh…
Mom: (squeals) Yayy.
Baby Girl: (crying)
Ma: (hugs me) congratulations Mama.

I was overjoyed but my other half was not here to experience this moment with me. I hated him so much for not being here. I would do literally anything to teach him a lesson.

Me: (Cries)

They give me my twins and I hold them. They got red eyes from their father. I look at me little girl.

Me: (pouts) you are about to be the most protected girl in the entire universe.
Mom/Ma: she sure is.
Ma: She looks like her Glamma and Mama.
Mom: (giggles) with her big head from her father.
Baby boy: (cries)
Promise: he also wants attention haw.
Me: (looks at baby boy) you are about to be the most handsome little/ big brother to your siblings.
Baby boy: (yawns)
Ma: that’s all he needed to hear


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