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Yes, I got her phone hacked into so I had access to her calls and every little message she was having with anyone

Mpumi: huh ?
Me: you heard me.
Mpumi: she is just checking up on me. Nothing major bae.
Me: mhh…

I put my phone down and go to her.

Me: Lets eat…

She looks at me

Me: what ?
Mpumi: (fold arms) how do you know Zito texted me ?

I look at her.

Me: I know
Mpumi: (death stare) you hacked my phone didn’t you.
Me: (eating pizza) (nods)
Mpumi: (rolls eyes) why would you do that..
Me: mhh… You’re my woman.
Mpumi: arghh. I just lost my appetite

I stop eating and look at her.

Me: eat…
Mpumi: you hacked my phone.
Me: so ?
Mpumi: (rolls eyes)

She gets up and I get up same time, stopping her.

Me: no…
Mpumi: stop being weird.
Me: huh ?
Mpumi: hacking peoples phones, that’s weird.
Me: I only hacked your phone. Relax.
Mpumi: why ?
Me: (sighs)…


I look at him.

Me: uh.. 

He looks at me and then looks away.

Me: Singathwa…

He gets up and leaves.

Me: (mouth open) haa…. Argh.

I get up and go grab a shower. I wanted to leave this place ASAP. Lion was acting weird and I’d be damned to let him think he can do all these weird things he does with me.



I answer whilst I lotion.

Me: Mama Teo.
Zito: hi... haibo yini ?
Me: I’m coming home now now.
Zito: what wrong ?
Me: nothing, I wanna go home that’s all.
Zito: Girl…
Me: I’ll tell you when I get home.
Zito: okay… I’ll wait

I get dressed and grab my stuff. I had requested an Uber and it was on the way. I go downstairs and he isn’t around. I see a guard.

Me: hi… uhmm where is…


I look and its Lion and some girl entering the house.

Me: uhm…

They see me and Lion looks at me.

Me: (shakes head) Okay…

I look at the guard

Me: see you…

I walk out. Heh, ung’ jwayela kabi this guy.


I notice that it’s my uber. I enter and it leaves.

Uber driver: are you good ?
Me: mhh hmm, please let’s get Mc Donald’s before I go home.
Uber driver: okay. I’ll hit the Drive-Thru
Me: (smiles) thank you.

We head to the Mc D and I buy food. I also buy the driver a Vanilla Milkshake since he was kind enough to take me to Mc D.


Me: thank you.
Driver: My Pleasure.

I enter the house and everyone looks at me. I see the girl that lion was with.

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