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Me: (breathes heavily) no more… no…

I rest my head on the bed and he turns to me.

Lion: 2 more…
Me: haa... I want to go shopping. I have some stuff that I need to buy, plus I have to leave soon. I’ve overstayed my visit.

He gives me a death stare.

Me: unfortunately for you…
Lion: you’re not going.
Me: Singathwa, kwamele ngihambe…
Lion: ngithe ang’funi.

He gets out of the bed and wears his boxers

Lion: you must have lost it if you think im going to let you leave and come back when it suits you. You are confusing me.
Me: bathong, I didn’t think this was serious…
Lion: sorry ?
Me: I thought we are just… playing.

He comes to me.

Lion: what the fuck did you just say to me.

I notice his scars around his body.

Lion: you’re confusing me.
Me: I didn’t think what we were having was that serious.
Lion: oh so you think I just go around fucking any girl for fun…
Me: Kim?
Lion: (rolls eyes)
Me: mhh…
Lion: she was controlling me. She was not really my soulmate. Everything I did, she controlled me.
Me: that doesn’t make sense…
Lion: (tears in eyes) I am trying to find my soulmate here and you are potentially my soulmate until Tritan says you are… Kim had power over me. Power that she could use to manipulate me into doing things I don’t normally do.
Me: (looks away)
Lion: Please leave.

I get off the bed and wear my dress.

Lion: whats the point of you and me doing this if you think I do it with everyone.
Me: (looks away)
Lion: just Leave me alone. You don’t wanna love me moss. Leave me.

I grab my stuff and leave, banging the door on my way out.

…: where do you come from ?

I get startled and it’s Zito.

Me: huh ?
Zito: Girl… I’ve been calling you for so long.
Me: I was at the bathroom.
Zito: okay bae.
Me: why are you here, where is Mateo
Zito: with his father, that thingy on his stomach fell off.
Me: (chuckles) thingy…

She sits on my bed and I take out my new outfit since I took a bath

Zito: I know you’re fucking with Lion.

I stop and look at her.

Zito: Girl !
Me: (sighs)

She comes to me

Zito: what are you doing ?
Me: (sighs) I don’t know
Zito: you met Tritan.
Me: (sighs) (nods) when we were… you know. He formed.
Zito: Tritan formed when you were fucking… jeez Girl you really are his soulmate.
Me: I’m not..

I go and sit down.

Me: Zito, lion loves me but I don’t think he means it. What if I’m not his soulmate. What if he just wants to fuck me and then afterwards he will walk out on me like he did last time…
Zito: but Tritan said your name…
Me: that’s because he saw me. He isn’t supposed to see me because he will know me and say my name.
Zito: that’s confusing
Me: how did Reuben's beast…
Zito: weh… they asked him who his soulmate is and he was busy saying Rubi.
Me: (laughs)
Zito: we were fucking, but it wasn’t something serious. He invited me to some chill out what what of his and he formed. I ran away and his father started speaking Italian. Jiki jiki he is walking towards me and he carried me inside. I was traumatized, Some old man asked him who his soulmate is and he pointed at me.
Me: (laughs)
Zito: I’m good now but I’m kinda traumatized by Lions Beast. I wasn’t supposed to see all that.
Me: (smiles) yeah…
Zito: give him a chance.
Me: to what Rubi. To kill me ?
Zito: he wouldn’t hurt you. He loves you..
Me: I wanna be loved by him. Loved right, not loved because I am around and then as time goes on, he forgets about me. I’m not a booty call.


We look and its Juxe

Juxe: hi Lovies…
Me: hi..
Juxe: you okay ?
Me: I’m fine bae, Zito looks like she hasn’t been sleeping

We all laugh. I change into a two piece and we head down to breakfast.


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