62. BABY...

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From having swollen feet and crying myself to sleep, I was officially over the Maldives. The girls, Ma and Mama Promise tried to lift up my mood and yes it did work, but as soon as I got to my room, I felt heavy. Like I was just forcing shit.


Oh, that was lion blowing up my phone for the 600th time. I was being literal when I said 600th  because I indeed had around 600 missed calls and voice messages from him.


Me: come in

Gia and Ma enter with their phones.

Ma: Steven.
Steven: Mama tell Mpumi to answer Lions calls.
Me: No thank you.
Lion: baby, talk to me please.

Ma gives me the phone and I hang up. Gia hands me her phone and they leave.

Me: argh.
Lion: Baby please…
Me: what.
Lion: I was gonna tell you baby, please hear me out.
Me: I am.
Lion: my grandpa needs us this side. Please don’t hang up.
Me: My babies are gonna be born soon and that Grandpa couldn’t wait at least 2 weeks for this.
Lion: bae….
Me: hayi fuck man Leo.
Lion: baby… (pleading) please…
Me: spare my ears, and stop calling my phone.

I hang up


Me: (sighs)
…: she a feisty one. Like Quinton wife

I look up

Me: (sighs) I don’t know anymore grandpa.
Grandpa: Do not do the worrying. It’ll get better.
Me: she called me a “sell-out” and called off the engagement.
Grandpa: mhh, hectic. Its just the hormones, I means she is the pregnant right Chico ?
Me: yeah.
Grandpa: give her time, and then punish her afterwards

LORENZO ADRIANO REDELLO. My grandpa.  70 years of age and still living life like he’s pushing a 20.

Grandpa: lets go Chico, I’ll get you the finest whiskey in all of Russia.
Me: (smirks) okay Pop-pop

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