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The baby shower was so good. We spent so much quality time together and made memories that I would Cherish forever.

Me: what is baby’s name ?
Me: ncoah…


I turn around and its… (sighs) Lion. He sat down with his other brothers, wearing shades indoors looking depressed. I hadn’t seen him the whole day…

Juxe: hes been hiding from you, you know.

I look at her.

Juxe: He… stupid asss… head

She Was so drunk. It was funny

Juxe: my head… (touches head) I need to lay down for a few minutes and then I will get better…

She walks away whilst using the wall as support.

Sergio: that’s my Cue…

He follows her and Carries her, placing her on his shoulder.

Juxe: I’m about to get some dick, yey…

Zito laughs at her. Juxe was funnier when she was drunk but you had to keep an eye out for her. She is very adventurous. Deja on the other had left with Zithulele’s Female Cousin.

Me: I need to go…
Zito: no… there is a spare room for you…
Me: nah, I already booked.
Zito: did you pay ?
Me: not yet.
Zito: then you staying.

She gets up

Me: fine… show me. My bags are in the car

We head to my room and I notice Lion looking right at me, even though he was wearing those black tinted Shades of his.

Zito: here…

She opens the door and it’s an empty room.

Me: let me go get changed. I need to sleep.
Zito: okay… (smiles)

I head downstairs and walk out. I grab my bags and place them inside. I head back outside to lock the car. Steven hooked me up with a ride from back home to here. I head inside and go get changed. I was tired honestly…


Me: arghh…

I had thee absolute worst insomnia ever. I pretended to sleep but weh, was I not wrong

Me: I’m gonna eat my ice cream…

I grab my black Lace Gown and cover myself and head downstairs. The yard was empty and I was the only person awake.

Me: lets do this…

I open the door and walk out.

…: what are you doing ?

I get startled and turn around.

Me: argh… lion stop creeping up on me like that you weirdo…

He was shirtless, holding a bottle of water, breathing heavily.

Me: weirdo…

I turn back around and head downstairs.

Me: (sighs) sheesh… who does that ?? creeping up on people like that… fucking Lion…

I open the drawer and take out my ice cream. I grab a spoon and sit on the counter.

Me: my delicious Oreo ice cream, I am about to eat you…
…: and she calls me weird for creeping’, she’s talking to her ice cream.

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