40. AGAIN ??

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Me: ma.
Mom: What am I hearing right now Mpumi.

I look away. She sits down and looks at me

Mom: Mpumi.
Me: Ma… (looking away)
Mom: look at me.

I look at her.

Mom: he hit you again.
Me: I was gonna tel…
Mom: when though ??
Me: (looks away) after the twins are born…
Mom: are these Babies even his ?
Me: yes they are… They are his.
Mom: manje why did he lay his hands on you whilst you are carrying his kids.
Me: he didn’t know.
Mom: oh so he knows now ukuthi you are pregnant ?
Me: (nods)
Mom: (looks at Zito) Where were you guys ?
Zito: We were at the Family Mansion…
Juxe: Mpumi was living with Leo at his Mansion

Mom covers her face.

Me: ma…

She looks at me, with her face turning pink.

Mom: I don’t understand…
Me: mom I can ex…
Mom: No… why is history repeating itself.

I look at her.

Juxe: that’s exactly what Ma and Pops said.
Me: regarding
Zito: Lions big brother Quinton also abused his wife, Nandi.
Mom: but why ?? Whats the story behind all this behavior ?
…: That’s because they got raped by their Aunt.

We look up and its Reuben and Andrè. Andrè looks at me and I look away. These people looked alike and it freaked me out.

Andrè: sanbonani.
Mom: Sawbona ? You are ?
Andrè: My name is Andrè Redello, I’m the Big brother. The first child.
Mom: oh…
Andrè: We can’t really speak out in such an open space but there is a ritual that needs to be done.
Me: why ?
Reuben: (sighs)
Zito: Bae, Tritan is Dying out. Lion has accepted that he has lost you forever and you are his soulmate…
Mom: who is Tritan ? Soulmate ?? What is going on ??
Andrè: we’ll tell you.
Zito: with this happening to Tritan, it means that Lion might also die because the beast is Him. Tritan is Lion. Lion is Tritan. If one dies, the other one is at risk of also dying.
Me: (looks away)
Andrè: please. Come tomorrow. It’s just a quick Ceremony and you can leave.
Me: for Good…

The brothers look at each other

Reuben/Andrè: For Good.
Me: Sure. I’ll come.

The brothers join us and we have some food. It was okay, nothing major happened but Andrè couldn’t stop looking at me. It was like he wanted to tell me something but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t find the right words to.

HIM: MR LION REDELLOKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat