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I have been making some progress. All my Exams have been written and I saved the semester. I did quite well, considering how my health has been for the past 1 month. I want nothing, and I mean nothing to do with Lion. Anything that is connected or has anything to do with him just pisses me the fuck off. His father and brothers have been checking up on me and I found out that they paid for my medical fees since I had to undergo emergency Surgery because of my broken rib. I am no longer using the wheelchair, but my breathing has been  rather bad because I’ve been having shortness of breath from time to time. I didn’t tell my mom what happened because I just want to make peace with what has happened and move on. I will be heading back home for the holidays. I miss my mom.

Zito: so when are you coming back ?
Me: (shrugs).
Juxe: you won’t miss the baby shower though, right ?
Me: I’ll make sure I come back for the baby shower.
Deja: and stay for a year or 2…
Zito: or forever.
Me: I don’t think I’ll ever come back and live her permanently again hey.
Zito: yho… but you’re my baby’s Godmother. I want all three of you to be present to watch your Godchild Grow up.
Me: I’ll be present Zito, I bought a new phone and backed up everything since… you know. So I’ll video call you to meet your baby.
Juxe: and what about in person meet ups ?
Me: we’ll meet up at the mall and spend some quality time.
Zito: (sighs) so… like there’s no changing this ?
Me: (shakes head) you’re not changing my mind.
Zito: (looks down) (sighs) Okay…

They hug me.

Me: I have to leave now.
Deja: I’ll miss you, the club won’t be the same without Nicole.
Me: Nicole will always live in that club. I promise I’ll come back soon. I know that for sure.
Deja/Juxe: Stay…
Me: weh Omphile & Wandi, im leaving


Zito: I hate lion so much
Me: don’t. He’s your brother in law remember.
Juxe: still doesn’t justify why we should forgive him for laying his hands on you, he was gonna kill you.
Me: (sighs) aii. I’ve moved on. Let me love and leave you.

They help me out and we hug one last time.

Me: bye besties
Them: (waves)

Zito starts crying

Me: (pouts) don’t cry, I’ll come back soon
Zito: (nods) (wipes tears)

Two of the guards were taking me home. Steven asked them to take me home.

Me: (blows kisses)

The car drives away


Me: now, to sort this shit out once and for all.

We enter the car and head to our location


We enter and there are cars filled in the yard. We let ourselves in and they are making out in the kitchen

Me: have some decency…

They both look at us and Kim gets down from the counter. They walk towards us and I could see lions eyes flashing blood red. Argh shame.

Kim: how can we…
Me: first of all, you don’t belong here.
Juxe: Secondly…

She slaps kim and Lion just stands there

Kim: (touches cheek) ahh..
Deja: that’s for laying your hands on our friend, you pathetic looser…

I go to lion and grab him by his collar. He smelled like alcohol and had a white powder on his nose.

Me: so you’re back to your old ways, druggie.
Lion: (softly) what do you want ?
Me: Mpumi’s phone and all her belongings that were left behind.
Lion: I only have her phone, it’s in my drawer…
Me: you are pathetic and deserve all the bad things that are coming your (pushes him) way…

He grabs my hand

Lion: I heard you’re pregnant. I wouldn’t do that if I was you.

I look at him

Me: I hope she was worth it, especially after you broke Mpumi’s ribs like that.

His face reaction changes and he looks rather touched by what I said. I let him go

Me: your room ?
Lion: the door is open

I go upstairs and the room is so messy, there were condom packets all over the place and a white powder on the counters. I open his drawers and find Mpumi’s phone.

Me: weh. (Shakes head)

I leave the room and head downstairs and walking towards the door.

Me: ohh and lion…

He looks up with his eyes and nose turning pink.

Me: I heard you killed Obakeng and Kelvin. Well done on that. Not only are you an abuser, you are a senseless killer. No wonder you can’t find your soulmate and get controlled by bum bitches like Kim

I walk out, slamming the door on my way out. We head back home and I place Mpumi’s phone in my safe and lock it.

Juxe: He looked horrible
Deja: why wouldn’t he be like that, there is no future there…
Me: (sighs) as long as We took Mpumi’s phone from his possession. We are good.

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