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kinda requested by SpoonGuySam  guess?


~3nd person pov~

Black hat and flug had been dating for a long time and black hat wanted to propose soon. Black hat had decided that before he did propose to flug he would make flug meet his parents.

~black hat's pov~

I knocked on the front doors of a large mansion that owned to my parents flug was statnding next to me. Flug seemed nervous so I grabbed his hand as a tall man opens the door. The man was dressed in a grey suit with a grey top hat he had dark grey skin as well, my father. "Ah son how long has it been?" my father says happily but when he looked over next to me his face went dull and strun "father this is my boyfriend flug" I say. "okay" My father says in a disgusted tone he never liked humans and refused to make any exception. "Who is it honey-" A woman says happily appearing out of thin air in the door way. "oh my black hat?! and who is this young gentlemen with you?" the woman says happily and she shakes flug's left hand. The woman had on a white dress with a small white top hat on she had jet black hair and charcoal skin, my mother she always found humans interesting and always wanted to meet one. "yes hello mother and his is my boyfriend flug" I say and my mother then hugs flug and I very tightly. "h-hello Mr. and Mrs. hat!" flug chocks out nervously. We get invited in and we all just sit in the living room. My father read the news paper, flug cuddled me while answering all the questions my mother was throwing at him. 

~time skip sorry~

It was overall a great time with flug meeting my parents though I did still have the thought 'what were flug's parents like?' In the back of my head. I just kept sheaking the thought off until it became very late and flug ended up dosing off in the living room while I was talking to my parents and saying my good byes. I walk into the living room and pick flug up before teleporting us to my bedroom in the manor where we ended up both going to sleep.

A/N: I had no ideas for this but here you go hope you enjoyed.

word count: 396

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