good job

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~dr. flug's pov~

I was on my way to black hat's office with my new invention in hand. the invention was a ray gun that makes who ever shot stunned for a little great for a distraction. When I arrived I knocked his door I hear a deep voice call out "come in" I open the door closing it behind me. "is it done?" black hat asks raising a eyebrow at me "y-yes sir here" I say putting the ray gun on his desk. Black hat picks it up and examines it "hm what does it do?" he asks "it will make whoever is shot with the gun stunned for a little while giving the villain time to get away from said hero" I say in return. "DEMENTIA" black hat yells as she bursts in through the door black hat shoots her with the ray gun stunning her. "how long does the person stay stunned for?" black hat asks "around 5 minutes at most sir" I reply. "good job now leave" black hat says and I exit his office walking down to my lab. 'Wait did he just say good job?!' I think getting a bit more excited since I rarely ever get complements. When I get back to the I started a new blue print my mind racing as I thought of black hat and the fact he said 'good job' to me of all people.

~black hat's pov~

I use my magic and make a tenticle come out from my back that grabs onto dementia and throws her out of my office. 'I said good job to him dammit I let my soft spot for him show a little' I think as I put my head in one hand leaning over my desk. I stayed in my thoughts for a good while before heading down to the kitchen to get some coffee.

A/N: okay okay okay I know this oneshot seems unfinished but I was trying to go with the idea of when the two first get a crush on each other. I hope you enjoyed it ether way though

word count: 350

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