missing you [white hat x slug]

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~white hat's pov~

it had only been two days since dr. slug left on a mission that was supposed to last a week successful but I already missed him. It was late at night so I layed in my bed thinking of slug 'only 5 more days and I get to see you again mi amor' I think closing my eye(s). I open my eyes again unable to sleep remembering how long five days were but tried to brush it off as believe it or not I do need sleep. I wake up and get ready for the day acting my usual cheerful happy-go-lucky self when around 606 or Clementia. When I was alone I turned from happiness to sadness in a matter of seconds boy I missed him. I was in my office drawing cute little pictures of slug and me since I had no paper work to do. This night I manged to fall asleep.

~white hat's dream~

I was in a bright white room when I saw slug he ran up to me saying "long time no see" before pulling me into a hug I happily embraced it on the edge of happy tears. "I missed you!" I say blushing slightly. Dr. slug and I cuddled for a while before I woke up.

I do what I normally do in the morning before heading to my office where I quickly did paper work. After I finished the work I stared at a photo of slug I kept in one of the drawers in my desk I just sat there day dreaming about him I mean he was kinda attractive.

~time skip~

Slug should be coming back in 2 days and I was very happy that he was coming back soon. That night I dreamed about him again more happily than ever.

A/N: I wanted to write a white hat x slug story so here you go hope you enjoyed

word count: 317

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