A relaxing day

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request from: SpoonGuySam

I am very very sorry for the delay sam! [self-harm menstion]


~black hat's pov~

I took notice that flug had a very rough mission yesterday so I decided that I would call him to my office today. I hear a knock on the office doors and say in a calm monotone voice "come in" Dr. flug walks in and sits in the chair infront of me looking down. "you're not in trouble" I say calming him down enough to were he looks up at me slightly he seemed very tired and his hands were shaky. I stand up and walk over to him grabbing his hand and dagging him into my bedroom though he remaind quiet. "you're just gonna take a break today but I want to keep a eye on you so since I can work in here you will be staying here" I say and throw him onto the bed. I walk to my desk and quickly finish my work for the day since I didn't have much to do. Once I was done I grab a book and lay on my bed my upper back agenst the back on the bed and one arm around flug his head laying on my chest. I heard soft snoring and looked down from my book to find flug sleeping cuddled up to me which made me blush be was pretty cute when sleeping. After a little I noticed the slight smell of blood which made me confused so while flug was practiclly knocked out in a deep sleep I grabbed one of his wrist with one hand the other closing and putting the book down. I roll up his sleeve and see how long his gloves are which only made me more curious since the closer I got to his arm the stranger the sent got. I take off his glove and see bandages wrapped around his wrist along with multiple scars scattered across his arm and hand so I repeat the same thing with his other arm but this time just taking his lab coat off completely. I sighed quietly and hugged him tightly luckily he didn't wake up but I never wanted to let him go. After a while he wakes up and I pick him up in a bridle style making flug confused but he didn't protest as I brough him to the kitchen and quickly make him some food. Once the food was done I set it at the table where he was seated and made sure he ate at least some of it before we went back to my room and just chilled until we both fell asleep cuddling.

A/N: sorry again for the delay and I had no idea for this really but I did try to do something any ways I hope you enjoyed!

word count: 472 

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